chapter two

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Song: Runaway Runaway - Mars Argo


Everything is hazy around me. My eyes sting. The cigarette smell is back. In shock I realize that I'm back. In my dream. Is this lucid dreaming because I know I'm dreaming? I am aware of the black and white surrounding. The smell is so distinct and real.

A shape is forming in the smoke to my left. The person is back, along with the orange glow.

I take a step towards the glow trying to breathe without wanting to cough. I see the contours of a guy. He's tall, dressed in black from head to toe. His face isn't visible to me. The shadow hides his face.

I try to speak but the smoke is almost choking me. He grabs my wrist and in a quick move he has me pressed against the brick wall that was behind me just a few seconds ago. He pants in my face and it smells of the cigarette he just smoked.

I'm just about to push him away from me when he presses his lips on mine. I get weak in my legs. I should be mad, frightened and push him away. He could be old, bad, literally anyone could be kissing me right now but I still don't feel bad. It's something with the kiss that just feels.. fine. It's a dream anyway is what I keep persuading myself.

I put my hands on his shoulders and move them over to his back as he circles his thumb on my hip. I open my mouth to breathe but that's when he does something that makes my lungs burn. Smoke fills my mouth.

I wake up in a jolt. I put my hands on the mattress and hurl myself in a sitting position. Coughing into the air, tasting cigarette smoke in my mouth. Smelling it in my room. I cough over and over and it feels like I'm about to puke when I stop.

"What the actual fuck?"

I place my hand over my mouth, it's like I still can feel his lips against mine. I can still feel that distinct stinging in my eyes. Like the whole dream was real and it just paused and placed me here. I pick up my phone just as my alarm goes off. I call Bea and she answers just when I'm about to give up. "Why so early?"

"Have you ever had a realistic dream?" I ask, ignoring her question and walk to the window again. Shut, just like last time. I open it and breathe in real air.

"Yeah, I thought mom died and I woke up crying... sorry I shouldn't have said that."

"It's fine."

"Why are you asking?"

"My dream from last night continued, just where I was last time. Cigarette smell in my room again" I say and look out over the sunrise.

"What is the dream about? Maybe it's some sign?"

I smell my hair and clothes, thankfully no scent of smoke. I swallow, feeling like the smoke still is in my lungs. "I'm on this road and it's night. I see a guy and there's smoke everywhere. Last night I woke up coughing."

"And this night?"

"I was in the cloud of smoke and the guy kissed me. Then he breathed in smoke into my mouth and I wake up tasting cigarette smoke in my mouth and smelling it everywhere."

"Well, I'm no dream interpreter."

"It felt so real. The kiss, it's like I still can feel it."

"Don't tell me you believe you just kissed someone. Is it like your first kiss?"

I laugh. "You know I kissed Aaron when we were like eight! And if that doesn't count, have you completely forgotten about random drunk guy at party?"

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