chapter seven

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I wake up just as I get into an apartment. I open my eyes and move my head away from his shoulder. I move and he lets go of me, lets me stand up. He closes the door behind him and what I meet is not what I thought. An apartment in a basement who knows where? If he killed me he could easily get away with it. Good that I'm immortal. 

I turn around an Quinn is leaning against the concrete wall. "Are you okay?"

"I've been better" I say and look down at my clothes. If I was mortal I would have been dead by now. Stone dead. My shirt has at least four holes since the knifes went through my body all the way to the back. At least it felt like they did. I still feel a throbbing pain in my body when I walk into the apartment, I guess Quarter angels don't heal as fast as Demi-angels.

"Want to take a shower?"

"Why are you helping me?"

He looks down at the floor but then walks towards me and leads me through the hall into a living room. Just a few, small windows, kind of an industrial style, brick wall, black sofa with a copper colored coffee table. Kind of a factory style. I look at it and honestly couldn't take Quinn for living like this. 

We walk through the living room and kitchen, then into his bedroom which had more of a darker style. Big, black bed and a huge wardrobe. The floor is covered in a dark grey carpet but I don't get a chance to study it long. He opens the dark grey tiled bathroom and I sit down on the toilet wincing. My whole body hurts. I just got stabbed three times.

"How are you healing?"

I take off my shirt and look at the wound on my side. It isn't bleeding but it looks awful, the wound is deep. I look up, my head rushing, dizziness. "Oh my god, I can't look at it. How fast am I supposed to heal?"

"I don't know, I haven't met an immortal Quarter angel before."

I breathe through gritted teeth. "Well it still hurts so fucking bad."

I place my hand on my sweaty forehead, I'm cold and sweating and it feels like I could puke any second.

"You're pale."

"Yeah, I can't stop it."

He presses his lips together. "We're going to have to wash the wound, otherwise you might get sick. You can't die but life can still be a hell. Take off your jeans."

I look up at him as he drags the arms on his t-shirt up over his shoulders, so that it kind of looks like a tank top. Then I remember the Demi-angels. "What did you do to them?"

"They don't remember you" he points at my jeans. "Take them off."

"Wow, someone is excited" I say but do what he says.

I try to stand up but the wounds stop me. I look up, not wanting to see them. Quinn leans forward and lifts me up carefully while I bite my lip to try to get over the pain. He puts me in the shower where I can sit down on some tiled box in it. The shower is huge with a glass wall out to the rest of the bathroom. Quinn walks out of the shower and opens a cupboard under the sink. 

He picks out a bottle and paper towels and then walks in. "I'm no doctor."

"Didn't expect you to be." I try to focus on something else than the pain but all I can think about is that I'm alone with Quinn in my underwear. I try breathing softly so that it doesn't hurt. "Just get it over with."

He puts something to clean the wound on a towel and presses it against the wound on my leg. I want to cry out but stop myself and just try taking as deep breaths as I can. I don't even know when I started crying but the tears fall down my cheeks and one tear lands on his hand and he looks up. "Hey, it will heal soon. It even looks better now."

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