chapter twenty

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I am here too early, swallowed by the darkness because of the bad lightning, swallowed by bodies. No one is around me but dancing strangers. I just want to get out of here to breathe. I dry my palms against me and walk to the bar.

"A beer" I say and the bartender looks me up and down.

The techno music is frying my brain but I'm trying to focus on what the bartender is trying to say to me. Maybe she's asking for an ID. I reach for my wallet in my back pocket and give her the card along with the money. She looks at it and gives it back to me, she still looks suspicious. I'll never go as twenty-one. If only I had put on the bracelet later.

She gives me the beer and I take a sip. I can't believe that tomorrow is the day. 

It's now or never.

All or nothing.

Maybe it's a bad thing I can't die. Maybe I'll regret it all but at this point, I don't care. I want to try to get in contact with my mom. After all this time.

I drink the beer quickly, maybe too quickly. At this point, I don't care.

My emotions are usually really faded. It takes a lot for me to feel, to care. Right now I'm really nervous. That's not a good thing. If I am nervous, I am nervous.

I'm so nervous the music suddenly doesn't have an impact on me, I can almost shut it off if it wasn't for the vibrating base. I can almost ignore my surrounding if it wasn't for the moving people around me, if it wasn't for the steamy heat that is crawling its way though the fabric of my clothes.

I'm just about to order one more beer when I spot her. She's so hard to miss. Her hair is curled and she's wearing a dark pink dress. I don't think she's ever looked that beautiful, ever. She doesn't see me, she's on the other side of the room walking through the crowd. For a while I just sit there and watch her trying to push her way through but she's still too small. Even though she looks taller, almost every girl is in heels, so she's still shorter than most.

But she's beautiful, absolutely beautiful.

I bite my lip. I want her, alone.

I get out of the dreamy state and walk to the crowd. If you're violent enough you can get your way through the dancing people. I grab her hand in the crowd. Lace the hand together with hers. I can feel her wanting to drag her hand out of my grip but she stops. She probably hasn't seen me until now. I pull her closer and her hand relaxes.

I glared into her green eyes. She's so incredibly pretty. I can't help but look at her. She looks vulnerable when I'm just staring at her like that but I don't care. I need some time to take it in. She smirks after a while and put he hands around my neck.

"There you are" I say and put my hands on her hips.

She leaves my eyes to look away, just for a few seconds, then she lets them move back to me. "How long have you been here?"

"Does it matter? You're here and you're beautiful" I say and surprised I'm so honest. It usually takes me time to open up but ever since I met her she has been able to stretch my limits.

She moves her hands over my chest, I raise an eyebrow and she puts her hands on my hips. My hands moves to hers almost as a reflex. She looks deeply into my eyes. "You're tense."

"I don't really like dancing" I say close to her ear this time since I'm tired of talking so loud. 

"We're the only people not dancing. Let go." she just kisses my neck and still I feel more than I ever thought I could. "Dancing is not a crime."

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