chapter nine

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It aches hell of a lot in my chest when I know I'm putting myself through danger after telling dad not to worry about me. Of course he always will do but I still feel like I'm betraying him. I'm even putting myself through danger purposely.

I contacted Lana after eating lunch with dad. I need to know what all of this is about so that I can convince Quinn to help us. Right now the only thing I can tell him is that there are people that want to help. I've done that and that didn't work out too well.

Lana texted me an adress which I'm taking the bike to right now. It's more outside of the center so walking wouldn't be the greatest idea. I regret not bringing a rain jacket when I look up at the clouds. 

I don't know what they're going to say. I don't know what more to do that just be there and hope for them to have a plan.

I just have to keep reminding myself that I can't die. If they start stabbing me like the Demi-angels, it'll hurt like a motherfucker but it's fine. I can't die.

I continue down the road until I get to the apartment. If they're crazy I can always say no, right?

I don't even know what this is. I walk into the building and up the stairs to the top floor. I press the doorbell slowly but the door opens really quick.

"Hey it's new girl" Lana says and lets me in. "Aurora right?"

"Yeah how did y-"

"Aurora!" Adrian calls from further into the apartment.

"He's hammered. I have to warn you, he gets kind of... touchy. Adrian the hugger."

Amazing. As if he wasn't forward earlier. I look around the apartment. There are about ten people I can see. Probably a hundred percent of them aren't sober but it doesn't seem to be a party. More like a gathering with music in the background. "So.."

"Guys!" Lana yells and walks into the kitchen that has a huge table. "Let's start."

I sit down on a chair and Adrian comes wobbling down next to me. I start feeling slightly uneasy. "Lana I just need to say I didn't know about this until well just a few days ago. Mom hid this from me."

She looks over at the people on the people around this table. "I know you don't have a reason to trust me but I promise you can trust all of these people. I do, with my life. What do you know?"

"I turned seventeen this summer."

"How did you find out about this?"

"I know a Demi-angel."

Adrian pokes my shoulder. "The angry boyfriend yesterday?"

I ignore the comment. "I barely know anything about anything. I just see that both Demi-angels and Quarters have a common enemy. Just that the Quarters are taking an easier way out."

Lana leans down under the table and picks up a box. She opens it and holds up a ring. "Quarters are weak, mortal. Fighting angels won't be easy but with these it's one step closer to possible."

She gives me the ring. I hold it in the palm of my hand. "What does it do?"

"A lot of things, you get stronger, faster, ability to get to Heaven."


Lana chuckles. "How else are we going to fight them?"

"Does this make you immortal?"

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