chapter sixteen

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After a long evening, serving food, drinks, sweating every water molecule out of my body, I walk into the bathroom and shower a bit under the sink. I change into my other clothes and brush through my short hair with my fingers.

I look tired and broken and my bed, that is so far away, is literally calling for me. I walk out the backdoor to the parking lot. It's dark outside and more chilly than it has been before. Fall is coming and it makes me fasten my steps to the car.

I walk to the door, put down my bag and desperately look for the car keys in order to be able to open it. Just when I get a grip and take them out of my bag a hand gets placed on my shoulder. I freeze and turn around quickly. An unknown person standing there.

"If you do anything more" he starts, pressing his hand harder on my shoulder. "I swear I'll kill you."

I stand up, not as scared as I would've been if I was mortal. "What?"

He kicks my left leg and presses his arm against my throat. Presses me against the car. I gasp for air but it's almost impossible. "Don't fucking mess with our blessings, bitch."

Everything around me is about to fade when he takes his arm away from me. I try to hit his face, try to get him away from me so that I can get into the car. I squeeze the car keys in my hand but he stops my punch and presses me harder against the car.

I knew Quarters would come after me. The nightmare predicted the obvious. Then why wasn't I prepared for this?

"Don't hurt me" is the only thing I get out of me.

He grabs my shirt and pulls me away from the car. "Maybe I should just get rid of you. One less bitch for us to take care of."

I close my eyes and try to kick his crotch. He takes out a small knife and puts it against my neck. My mind still doesn't think I'm immortal. My breathing increases and I stare into his blue eyes. "Please I-"

He cuts me slightly and the pain sizzles. I push him away from me and press my hand against my neck. I open the car door before he comes back to me. I gasp when he comes at me with knife in the air. I let out a small scream before kicking him. I jump into the car and close the door, in fear I lock it and I look at him through the window.

For a moment I forget what I need to do but after a few seconds my body screams 'start the car!'. I take out the keys and start the car, quickly drive away from the guy before he bothers me more. He runs over the parking lot to a car and I curse under my breath.

I can't drive home if I know I'm being followed, I can't go anywhere if I know I'm being followed. I quickly drive the car around the blocks, hoping the guy is gone. I park it close to Quinn's apartment, too afraid to drive home to a mortal dad. I pick up my phone and walk away from the car as fast as I can, I run into an alley and take out my phone. I dial dad's number.

"Hi, it's me. Do you need you car tomorrow?" I try not sounding out of breath. "I had to work over time and Bea's house is closer, and closer to the school anyway. Yes, I'm exhausted. Thanks, I end early tomorrow, you'll have the car in no time. Night dad. Sorry to disappoint you with the over time thing, I'll be okay. Bye."

I walk down the road, looking around me constantly. The guy isn't there. The road is empty and I run into Quinn's apartment building finally feeling safe.

I knock on his door and he opens after a while. He drags me in and studies my hand and neck. "What happened now?"

"Nothing" I say sarcastically. "I just got my throat cut open while trying to open my car."

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