chapter ten

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I wake up remembering last night's... unfortunate scene. Quinn kissed me back but I can't fight dad over a relationship I'm not even sure exist. I don't know how Quinn feels about me, I mean, I kissed him.

Quinn actually agreed to join me and I have a feeling he just feels forced to do it. It wasn't like he said yes directly and not like he was exited after telling me either. I secretly just want to lie in bed with him all day and forget about life itself. No responsibilities just him, I and sleep.

Then we have dad, friends, work, a whole fucking clan of inhuman people that want to either kill or fight each other. It's amazing how life can be so impossible.

I know I need to contact Lana since I got Quinn with me now. I'm just not sure if he's truly with me and after what happened yesterday, I need to talk to him about it. Maybe he's hesitant now. Or maybe just sick of my complicated shit I'm carrying in my backpack. Hey Quinn, I'm an unaware Quarter angel that wants to fight your mom's friends, want to join?

He probably knows everything about this world and I just took a quick peek and now I believe that I got control over everything. I know that I don't but I'm working with what I got. It might come off as stupid but I'll rather do something now and regret it later. At least in this case.

I groan and jump out of my bed. I wouldn't call myself a morning person but if I'm supposed to get out of bed I'll do it. No need to lie in bed for ten more minutes because that'll make it even harder to get up.

Tuesday, history today too. It seems like I met Quinn a long time ago. Not that I first met him nine days ago. That I've kissed him various of times in just nine days feels just not like me. He, on the other hand, he probably has done this millions of times with millions of people. He knows the deal, how to charm, who to charm. Now he was just bored... that's how he found me. I got stuck in those black eyes and he took the chance. How romantic.

I wonder if he has been with anyone immortal. Maybe I'm the first immortal he can actually be with. Quarters want to worse than kill him and Demi-angels have to lay low when it comes to meeting each other. Maybe he's all for one night stands in that case.

Thinking about it, he must be good. Really good. I bite my lip and shake my head. Not the time to think about that. I put on a black skirt and a teal t-shirt. It goes well with my warm brown hair which I just let hang over my shoulders.

Maybe if dad doesn't kill me before then, I'll meet up with Quinn later. First I need to focus on school. Wanting to go into a war with angels is going to be hard when I need to have attendance on every class otherwise dad will kill me because of that. Maybe hit me two times with one stone, no wait , two me with one stone. No. Kill me once for both skipping school and being with Quinn, he'd love that.

I get dad's thoughts about Quinn, I just don't know how to make him understand he's not dangerous motorcycle dude. Just because of the black eyes, dark hair, dark clothes, piercing and tattoos, fine I get it.

I take the bike to school continuing my thoughts about Quinn, he doesn't want this, I'm not stupid. He doesn't want to go into a war. Should I be ignorant and just pretend that I believe that he wants to come along or should I talk to him about it? I know the second suggestion is going to be it because I'm not ignorant. Even though I sometimes with I was.

"Hey, Aurora!" Bea says when I gets into school. "Doing something later?"

I was planning on talking to Quinn since I can't do that in class but I guess I'll do that some other time then. "Nothing, maybe studying some math at home. Thinking of joining?"

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