Lovely (Emerson Barrett)

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This one is gonna be short but really cute.

"Y/nnnnnn!" Emerson yells in a sing-song voice and slams the door behind him. You perk up, hearing your boyfriend. You smile wide and pause the YouTube video you were watching.

You race down the stairs as fast as your legs can take you, seeing him at the end of them. You smiled and jump into his open arms, hugging him tightly. "I can't believe you're home!" You yell and he kisses your head, laughing.

"I missed you babe." He says and you look at him. "I missed you too Em." You blush slightly and giggle. "So how was tour?" He grabs your waist and lifts you, spinning you around.

"Oh Y/N is was amazing! We got to meet so many fans. I wish you could have been there." He places you down and smiles wide, a sparkle in his eye.

"About that. I can come with you next time..." You smile shyly and his mouth gapes open, "What do you mean? Don't you have to-"

"I quit..." You glance down and Emerson tilted his head. "Y/N why? You worked in that coffee shop for like four years..." He asks and you bite your lip. "A co-worker of mine..."

He lifts your chin with his hand, forcing you to look into his bright blue eye's. "What did they do love?"

"He kept saying rude things to me. Then it turned into him trying to hit on me... And yesterday he slapped my ass..." His expression goes hard for a moment, his jaw clenching. "Then I punched him." You smiles and his expression turns soft once again. Emerson laughs and hugs you,

"I love you. You act like such a lovely, sweet person then out of the blue you kick a guy in the balls." He put his face into the crook of your neck, smelling in your sent. You start laughing now.

"I love you too Emmy. I love you too." You just stand there in the middle of the living room, hugging each other. It was true. You really did love each other, and it was lovely.

This sucked but whatever.

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