Delicate (Remington Leith)

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TRIGGER WARNING: Deals with near death, and blood at the beginning.

"I'm here baby." Remington says to you as you lay on your kitchen floor, holding your wound. Your whole body shook as he put his hand on the hole in your stomach,

"Look at me, don't pass out. I'm not going to lose you Y/n. Please love." He says as you look into his eye's, tears coming out of both of you as he pouts. "P-please don't leave me." His voice cracks and you hold onto him, hearing the sirens come closer to your home.

Your eyesight darkens as you slowly look up at Remington once again. "I love you." Your vision fades to black as you fall unconscious...

6 Months Later...
(Remingtons P.O.V)

I walk into her room, the familiar sound of the monitor beeping fills my ears as I look at my precious Y/n. I bought her new flowers, her favorites. I wanted to have her be greeted by colors and happiness once she woke up. If she ever would again.

I switch out the flowers in the vase on the bed table beside her with the new ones and pull up a chair, sitting next to her. An intruder had gotten into our home, she got home and while she was making our dinner he attacked her... He shot her in her leg and stomach, and also bashed her head with a pan, causing a concussion.

She was put through so much in such a small amount of time, once I got home the intruder ran off out of the house. Leaving me to see my girlfriend dying on the kitchen floor. The concussion caused her to go into a coma, her body couldn't take all the pain and she hasn't woken up since...

Tears run down my face, I sniff and lay my forehead onto her chest as I hold her hands in mine. I didn't care what the nurses thought anymore, I was heart broken. Of course Sebastian and Emerson helped me, and we haven't gone on a tour in months... But I can't leave her. I'm not going to.

"Mr. Leith..." I hear a voice behind me as I look up, seeing nurse Joan, she was the nurse that regularly took care of Y/n. Joan smiles sweetly, holding her hands behind her back. "Y/n needs her treatment. I'm sorry to bug you." She says in a caring tone and I smile slightly. I look back at Y/n and kiss her head, moving her hair out of her face before heading out of the room.

I sit in the waiting room, same chair that I have grown custom to sitting in for hours over the past 6 months. I lean my elbows on my thighs and put my head in my hands, just thinking. That thinking soon turns in sleeping, not getting a lot in for a few weeks.

People come and go as I just sit there in the same pose for I don't know how long. I feel my shoulder shake and I look up tiredly at the nurse infront of me. A young girl, new I'm sure since I don't believe I've ever seen her, a large smile taking up her face. "Mr. Leith you have to come quickly! Miss. Y/n has waken up!" She says and my eye's widen. I stand, "W-what?" I say, my voice quiet to make sure I heard the girl right.

"Y/n has woken up!" That's all I needed before jolting to her room, going up floors and down hallways, weaving through people until I finally come to the door. Nurses running in and out of it before I see nurse Joan.

"Hey, the-the girl said she's a-awake." I get my breath back and Joan nods quickly. "We don't know if she has lost memories though. We need you to enter with precaution. We have no idea if she'll remember anything that happened Remington." Joan says slowly and I nod.

"I'm ready for whatever is to come Joan." I say and she smiles, "Alright, we'll give you time." She tells the other nurses to come with her and they walk down the hallway away from the door. I take a deep breath before heading inside, seeing my beautiful Y/n sitting up and drinkimg from a water bottle.

She doesn't notice me, her eyes looked dazed as she finish and put the cap back on the bottle slowly. She finally looked up at me and tilted her head. "Hello." She smiles sweetly and I walk over to her. "Hello love." The nickname I always call her makes her blink a few times. She looks down at her blanket, her lips pursed as she is in thought. Her eyes finally widen and she smiles wide at me.

I could tell from right then and there my girl was back. I look at her with a sweet smirk as I finally am to her sitting figure. She pulls me down by my shirt and kisses me softly. I smile, holding her delicate face in my hands. The kiss is sweet, pure and full of happiness. She pulls away and we look at eachother lovingly.

"Hello Remington..."
"Hello love."


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