Run (Remington Leith.)

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(I have a feeling there will be a looot of Remington imagines so sorry in advance lol)

You grab your can, shaking it and finishing your illegal masterpiece. You had spray painted a tiger on the side of a building, it was purple, blue, black, and some different shades of all those colors.

"You did amazing babe." You feel your tall boyfriend wrap his arms around your waist. You smile and look into those big brown eyes, "Why thank you Remmy." You giggle and he laughs, shaking his head and pulling away. He's about to say something before somebody interrupts him.

"Hey you two! What are you doin'!" A man yells and you both look at the man. "Police!" Remington yells and grabs your hand, running. "Run!!" He yells at you and you book it.

You grab your bag of spray paint cans and the men starts chasing after you. You and Remington run for what seems like ever, turning and twisting around the old alleyways and streets. The darkness hid you both well, making you both not very easy to see.

"Alright- I think w-we lost em'." You say and you both slow to a stop, catching your breath. "I think that's the most running I've done since middle school." You say and Remington laughs, making you giggle as well.

"Well Miss. (y/n). I wish we could have gotten a picture of that tiger, it was so amazing. But you know what?" Remington hugs you, smirking. You glance up at him, "What?" You smile back, rasing an eyebrow.

Remington leans down, kissing you passionately. "Wasn't as amazing as you are baby." You blush and smile, kissing him again. You both stand under the lamp post until you hear some police sirens. "We should probably go home." Remington says and you nod. He takes your hand in his once again and starts to run to your shared home.

You both step inside and Remington grabs your shoulders, pushing you against the closed door. "Remmy." You say and he kisses down your jaw. You smile as he reaches your sweet spot on your neck.

"Remington." You say again and he looks at you, "Yes babe?" He asks and you smile. "You know what, never mind." You pull his face you yours and rejoin your lips.

This is short but I thought of this idea and couldn't not write it. Hope you liked it!

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