Coca-Cola Part 1 (Emerson Barret)

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Strap in kids this one is gonna be a WiLd RiDe!

Recommended by: abbeylikestodraw

Part one:


I remember it like it was yesterday... Spring had begun. The flowers were finally starting to bloom and my family and I had just gotten back from our vacation. My spring break was filled with fun, sun, and fro-yo/sherbet (for my non diary people ;)) to my hearts content. I was tan, I was happy, and it lasted about a day before my world crashed.

Y/N: Hey Em! I'm back from Vacation, do you want to meet at the park like old times sake? Love you! ❤

I didn't get an answer for two days, before I sent another text his way...

Y/N: Cool answer ;) Seriously tho text me I miss you! I wanna see you, we are dating after all! Text me soon!

Once again I went days without a response. Nothing. So I decided to drive to his house. By the time I got there though, I noticed that his car wasn't in the drive way.

"Huh. Weird. Well it looks like somebody's home so I'll ask." I told myself before getting out of my car and walking up to his front door. I knocked, and waited until Emerson's brother, Sebastian, opens the door, "Hey Y/n! How have you been?" He asks and we started to chat before I remembered why I went there in the first place.

"Seb, Emerson isn't answering my texts... Do you-"

"Wait what do you mean? He went on a date with you yesterday." The look on his face was just as confused as I was. "Huh? I haven't seen him since before my vacation." I tell him, my brows furrowing.

"He... Then what is he doing right now? Wait, why are you-- he told me he was going to hang out with you again." He says and I shake my head. "What the hell?" Whispering to myself, I pull out my phone before opening snapchat. "His location is on still!" I tell Seb, before zooming in and looking at where he was.

"The diner down town..." I say aloud, my mouth dropping lightly...


"Well hello!" A smile spreads on his cute face, "Y/n! You made it!" Emerson stands, hugging me lightly. I hug back, a blush spreading on my cheeks. This would be our second date together. The first one was at the park, so we thought the diner could be a change of scenery. Both of us sit, before the waiter takes out orders.

Later that night, after hours of talking and joking with each other, the laughs and giggles, the blushing, Emerson walked me home."I had a really great time with you Y/n. You always make my night." He tells me, and I giggle. "Well you make my night even better!" I tell him, trying to one up his comment. "Mhm, suuuure." He smirks, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I was a blushing mess, this boy had just put a arm around my shoulders and I just walked with him looking stupid. Before even thinking, I turn and kiss his cheek. Emerson pauses, turning to me before smiling softly. "You're so cute" He whispers, pushing a strand of my h/c hair behind my head. "You're talking." I attempt to flirt back, winking up at him. He just chuckles, "Whatever you say."


Now I'm on my way, driving down the street to find Emerson. "Please, tell me this is just a coincidence..." I whisper quietly to myself, glancing in my rear view mirror at myself. I looked stressed, in the span of 45 minutes I sure looked disheveled. I stop at a red light, glancing over at my phone where Emersons location still sat. Right before the light turns I hear a drop hit my windshield. Then another.

"Great, now it's raining too!" I talk to myself groggily. "Just what I needed." Continuing to drive, I think about the past... All the dates, the gifts, the nights... Holy hell this shit hurts. A renounding "thumping" sound bangs in my head like a drum. "He told me he was going on a date with you!"

Sebastian's words also pound in my head, "By the time I get there I'm going to have a head ache." I whisper, before finally seeing the bright building in the distance. The diner always shined through the rain, it was a beautiful building. Yet what lay inside may crack my heart like glass. I pull into a parking space, and glance inside, trying to maybe make out a head or face.

"Dammit!" I groan, deciding I should get out of the car. I push my jacket over my head and rush inside, making it to the door before I pause. There he was, sitting across the room at a booth, in the same seat as a girl... My friend from High school. "Fuck." I let out, grabbing the door handle harshly and flinging the door open. I step inside, "Welcome to JJs Diner!" A waiter says but I don't pay any attention. I watch as they drink a coca-cola, just one, with two straws pushed into it. He doesn't even like coca-cola.

Finally Emerson looks up, and his eyes grow. I glance down at them, His hand on her thigh. Her hand is on his arm... "Hello you two." I hiss out, smiling fakely. Emerson just sits there, like an idiot, before I decide to slide into the other side of the booth by myself. "Wanna-" "Y/n I can explain." Emerson finally speaks up, but my "friend" decides to keep quiet. "Then go ahead." I tell him, glaring at the both of them.

Usually girls react to cheating with sadness, running off and never talking to them ever again. Not me, I react with anger. They are going to explain this shit to me or I'm not going to leave them alone. "Well, we were just..." Emerson starts timidly, "Just what Emerson?" I smile, tapping my nails on the hard table. "Y/n Emerson wanted something different." My friend finally speaks, and my heart stops. Maybe I'm not as strong as I thought... "Oh yeah? Well I didn't think a hoe was on his radar." I snap back.

"F/n, shut up, Y/n Let me explain!" Emerson says, pushing his hands off of her. She just glares, "Fuck you! You didn't act like that last night, bitch!" She turns to me, standing, "Hope you had a great vacation Y/n. You really earned it." She tells me, sarcasm rushing through her overdrawn lipstick. I just glare, silent as she walks out of the diner. "Y/n seriously I can-"

"Just stop Em." I look at him finally... his eyes. God dammit he's so cute... "Emerson we're over." I tell him, sighing as I stand from my seat. He shakes his head, "No no no Y/n, I love you! Please I didn't mean it! Please!" He tells me, people glancing at him from around. I shake my head, embarassed and shamed, "Don't ever talk to me again." I continue, but he grabs my wrist. "Y/n, please..." In two seconds the cup of soda that was just sitting on the table is poured onto his head. I put the cup back down on the table,

"No Emerson. No pleases, no buts, no I love yous, you don't get to have everything you want all the time. So let go of me before I get kicked out for beating your ass." I glare, and I could almost hear his heart break in half. Good. "But I love you..." He whispers, watching the soda drip from his hair. I just shake my head with a smile. "Well I guess it wasn't enough..." I tell him, walking out of the diner.


As I enter my car, I start it up. Don't cry, don't cry. But as soon as I got home, I couldn't even unlock the door before landing on my knees, the rain pouring around me as I balled. "Fuck him. And fuck her." I whimper, sitting against my door as I cry into my hands. He doesn't even like coca-cola...

Part two will be out soon ;)

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