White Wine (Sebastian Danzing)

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Feel like this imagine's gonna be a longer one! I'm excited.

You put on your black dress, letting it fit nicely onto your curves. You run and quickly do your makeup, fix your hair, and brush your teeth.

The smile at yourself in the mirror, "I look good!" You giggle to yourself and put your hands on your hips, swaying a bit to the music you were playing in your room. You run out and grab your nice jacket, plop on some black 2 inch heels, and unconnected your phone.

You button up your jacket as you run down your stairs, grabbing your purse on your kitchen table and making sure you have everything. "Alright Y/n. You can do this, he was nice over text. Why wouldn't he be now?" You say, asking yourself if your so sure about this whole blind date situation. You had met this boy, Sebastian, on tinder and you've both been talking for about a month every day. You were meeting him at a really nice restaurant that he recommended. He seemed so nice and funny, and for sure cute as hell. So you were excited.

(Boop boop... Time skip)

You walk into the restaurant, taking off your jacket as you head to the greeter. "I'm meeting someone here. A Sebastian?" You say and the man nods, "Right this way." You smile back and nod, following him. You glance around, looking forward and making eye contact with a pair of blue eyes. There he is.

You smile and thank the greeter, walking up to the table as he stands. "Wow. You looked amazing in your pictures but just... Wow." He says and you blush, smiling. "You look really good too Sebastian." Now it was his turn to blush. "Thank you." You both sit down and you look at the menu, Sebastian takes glances at you every so often, smiling softly.

"What are you ordering?" He asks and you look up at him, "I don't really know... Maybe the (You choose idk lmao) ??" He nods, "I was thinking about that too." You smile and the waiter comes over. You order drinks and your food, your food comes out a little later while you and Sebastian are making small talk. "Thank you!" You thank the waiter and smile at your food. "I'm starving." Sebastian laughs, "I am too." You start to eat and notice he looks at you. You blush, "What?" You ask and smile, "Nothing... You are just so beautiful." You blush even more. This boy is gonna kill me...

(Time skip cause why not)

After a while of talking and flirting with each other, you and Sebastian decide to pay and leave the restaurant. Sebastian insists on walking you home, so after about two minutes you finally give in and you both are off.

You just looked into his eye's as her told you a story about his two other bothers. How they were in a band and how he loved them so much. You smile, "They seem like sweet kids." He nods, "Yeah... They can be dicks sometimes too." You both laugh and you notice he had got a little closer while walking. He takes the chance and holds you hand, you instantly smile and hold his as well. He takes a small sigh in relief.

"I've had so much fun with you tonight Y/N." Sebastian says and you nod, looking up at him. "I have too Sebastian! Thank you for taking me out." He nods and chuckles slightly. You step onto the first step of your front porch and he stays on the ground, so you are at the same hight as him. He just looks at you sweetly, "Do you mind if I-" You cut him off with a kiss. He smiles slightly and holds your hips as you put your arms around his neck.

I already love him.

Feel good about this one 😂 Love y'all, thanks for reading! 💕

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