Best Friends Forever (Emerson Barrett)

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I had never met a boy like Emerson. He was sweet, caring, funny, and had looks up the wazu. He was a girls dream, and defiantly mine.

My name is Y/N Y/L/N. I'm a 21 year old woman that has a huge crush on her best friend of 13 years. Emerson was an amazing person, he was an amazing friend, and I think that's what made me fall for him when I was 12 years old. Yeah, it's been a long 9 years of keeping these feeling locked up inside me.

One night though, I changed that...

(January 28th, 11:41pm)

I walk down the street, wobbling in my stiletto heels. I hiccup, pretty tipsy for a Thursday night. I was walking to Emersons, something that I did alot when I was sad, bored, or just lonely.

I was wearing a short dress, one of those you see on a girl and silently agree with your friends that she's a hooker. My heels lifted me 4 feet off the ground, making it apparent that any second my ankles would snap like a twig if I took a wrong move.

I finally get to his condo, knocking on the door three or four times. Did I mention it was also pouring rain, so I was drenched. I will never know how I made it all the way there by my drunken self.

Emerson opens the door, rubbing his tired eyes. He blinks in suprise, "Y/n?" He asks groggily, and allows me inside. "Hi Emmy!" I smile brightly, stumbling inside. He watches me, "Holy shit, you're drunk." He says, realizing. I laugh loudly, "No silly! I'm just tipsyyyy!" I giggle, landing on his couch.

He shakes his head as he chuckles, "Stay there, I'll get you some clothes and a towel." He says and heads into his room. I take off my heels, stretching my legs and laying down on his couch. I close my eyes before hearing him come back out. "C'mon sleepy head, lets get you changed." I says and tosses the shirt and boxers he got for me on my lap. He puts the towel around my shoulders.

"I'll leave you for a few min-" I interrupt him, "Em can you help meee?" I ask, pouting. He sighs, walking over to me. "You can't change yourself?" He asks, crossing his arms. "I can! I just need... Some help." I smile, looking up at him. He sighs and helps me change, wrapping the towel around my shoulders again. He grabs my dress from the floor. "Since when do you wear this stuff?" He asks, and I drink some water. "I want-*Hiccup* wanted to have some funnn!" I slur, looking over as he sits beside me.

He laughs, "And why is that? You have fun all the time." He asks. "I wanted to get over a boy." I cross my arms, hiccuping again and taking a sip of water. He tilts his head, "Oh? A boy? You never told me you got a boyfriend." He teases, and I shake my head. "He isn't a boyfriend!" I correct, and he blinks.

"Then who is this boy?" He asks, confused. I blush, looking down and mumbling it. "What? What did you say?" He asks. I groan, "You! It's you." I blush even darker, glancing up at him. I see his eyes widen, looking at me suprised.

"Holy shit." He whispers. "I-I'm sorry." I say and stand before feeling a hand grab my wrist. He stands, taking a step towards me. "Don't be sorry Y/n." He sighs, "You should sleep, you're still drunk and this is going to be a massive headache tomorrow morning." He says and lays me down. I stay silent, not wanting to admit any other dumb secrets.

After a while I'm left by myself on the couch, wrapped in blankets. But why was I still cold? I sigh quietly before standing, slowly walking to his room before looking in. He glances up from his phone, seeing me. "Yeah?" He whispers, sitting up. "I'm cold." I admit, blushing lightly. He smiles, and lifts the blankets in the spot beside him on the bed. I walk over, slipping in.

He sets his phone on the bedside table, and lies facing me. "Are you okay?" He asks, and I nod before biting my lip. "It isn't the alcohol you know. I mean it." I whisper, and he smiles before leaning over and kissing my forehead. "I know Y/n, I feel the same." He admits.

I look at him suprised, "Really?" I say, a smile growing on my face. He nods, and I snuggle into him. He holds me, wrapping his arms around me and putting his face in my hair.

"Goodnight Y/N." He whispers.

"Goodnight Emerson."

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