You're alright (Emerson Barrett)

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Idea from Veah_Nev! Thank you for the recommendation! 💕

You're running through the forest, hearing the sound of the monster chasing after you. The beast is catching up with you, and it's coming fast.

You trip, hurting your ankle and falling onto your face. You try to stand but can't, falling once again. (This might be disturbing so skip to the next paragraph if you aren't ok with blood.) You look at the root sticking out from the ground, then your messed up ankle. Your ankle is broken, you can see the bone sticking out where it isn't suppose to be. There are tons of cuts and scrapes on your legs, some so bad that they are just spilling out blood down your legs. It hurst like hell, and you hold back tears.

How could this happen, it's all very over dramatic. You hear the monster and start to panic once more, trying to crawl yourself to safety. The monster is close, you can her its feet stomping, its loud breath, it's snarl and it smells for human flesh. Your flesh. You turn, seeing the monster standing there, staring right back at you. It pounces at you, and you scream...

You sit up quickly in your bed, sweating and breathing quickly. "Hey, hey, hey. You alright doll?" You hear Emersons voice. You burst into tears, covering your face with your hands. Emmy hugs you, putting his chin on your shoulder and whispering things like "You're alright.", and "I've got you. You're with me doll." into your ear.

You calm down soon enough, getting your breathing under control finally. You look up at him and he smiles sweetly, "You wanna talk about it?" He asks and you shake your head, leaning into his chest. He hugs you tightly and kisses your head, "I love you." You say, mumbled by his chest. He smiles, "I love you too darling."

Awe he's such a cutie!! ❤

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