Eating for two (Remington Leith)

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Idea from wounded_queen! Thank you the recommendation! 💕

"Fuck." You look at the pregnancy test, two bright red lines. You've been getting sick lately, so you took a pregnancy test to just see... Just in case.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! What am I gonna do?!" You ask yourself, starting to freak out. What if Rem wasn't okay with it? What if he wants to get rid of the kid?!

These thoughts seem to take over your brain one by one as you hear the front door slam. "Y/N! Babe come here!" Remington is home, and you are sitting on your bathroom floor almost in tears. "Y/Nnnnnnn!" He calls out again, his voice makes you want to melt and stay hidden. You can hear a happiness in his voice as it comes closer and closer to your hidding spot.

He knocks on the door. "Babe?" Your heart drops. You take a large breath in, and out, standing and grabbing the stick. Just as he's about to knock again you open the door, holding it infront of you so he can see it.

His eye's widen and he takes it into his hands, just looking down at it. You bite your lip, "You're pregnant..." He says. You nod and glance down. "You're pregnant!" Remington smiles wide, grabbing you and twirling you around. "We're gonna have a baby!" He kisses you sweetly and you smile, giggling slightly.

"I thought you would have been angry at me." You glance down and Remington shakes his head, "What? No! Of course not!" He smiles. "I can't wait to have a child with you Y/n." He kisses your forehead and you hug him tightly. "Thank you. What did you want me to come down stairs for?" You ask and he chuckles slightly. "I bought a cake." You sprint down the stairs and he runs after you, laughing.

I don't know how I feel about this one. :/

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