Perfect (Emerson Barret)

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Reccomended by: FandomPotatoe I changed your reccomendation a lil bit because I wanted to make it kinda cute so like, here you go. Hope you like it!

I walk into the bar out of the cold air of outside. The smell of alcohol reaches my nose as I look around. I find what I'm looking for and smile, walking over. "Hey F/n." I say to my best friend and they smile up at me.

"Y/n!! Hey girl!" They stand and hug me tightly. They had moved away from our home town and I was visiting them for the first time. I look around the bar, "So, this is nice." I say, kinda sarcastic and they laugh, "They have good food, trust me."

I nod and we end up getting some drinks, ordering food as well. After my first drink I order another, then another, wanting to try the differnt flavors.

"I'll h-have this-s one." I point to the menu and smile at the waitress. I could tell I was already getting drunk, my voice slurring slightly as I talk.

F/n stud up and grabbed my hand, bringing me to the dance floor. They smile and start dancing, I join them, shaking my hips to the beat. I end up making my way around, dancing with some people and just enjoying myself.

I soon get thirsty again and walk over to the bar, ordering two shots. I down them both and lean up against the counter. "Hey girl." I hear a voice next to me and look over to a older man that was surprisingly really short, he had some scrappy tee shirt on and some basketball shorts. He didn't even look like he tried to brush his hair or long scraggly graying beard.

He looked up at me and licked his lips. I look at him in somewhat disgust and he grabs my wrist. "Why don't you talk to me girl." His hands are sweaty and I can smell the massive amount of alcohol in his breath from here. I try and pull my wrist away but can't as he keeps a strong hold on it. "Please l-et go of m-me." I say and he just smirks,

"And why should I do that?" He asks and steps closer to me. His hold gets tighter and starts to hurt my arm, "Please stop you're hurting me." I say loudly and he just keeps smirking and looking at me darkly.

"Hey what are you doin man?" A voice asks and I feel an arm go around my waist. I look up to see a boy around my age, he has brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.

The old man lets go of my arm and looks at the guy, "And who do you be?" He asks and the guy smiles at me. "Her boyfriend. And what were you trying to do to her man? You better scurry off before I call the cops." The old mans eyes widen and he runs away, literally.

"Are you alright miss?" The guy asks and lets go of me, leaning down a bit. "Y-yes. Thank-k you." I say and he smiles at me. "I can't stand men like that, women aren't to be treated like animals." He shakes his head and I smile, nodding and sighing.

"My name is Emerson by the way. Are you going to be able to get home..." He holds out his sentence to grt my name. "Y-y/n." I stutter, "And p-probably not." I sigh once again and he smiles slightly. "I could help you home." He says sincerely and I look up at him. "You don-n't need to do that Emerson." I say and he shakes his head, "I would love to help you home." I just look at him and shrug, "I do-on't see why n-not."

I look around for F/n, seeing they were nowhere to be found. I sigh and look back at Emerson, seeing his bright smile. I don't know why but, I can just feel I'll see more of this boy in my future. I take his arm and we walk out, seeing picture perfect snow fall onto the sidewalk. I smile, walking out into it before hugging myself.

I shiver as I look up at the sky with a smile, hearing a russling sound before a jacket goes over my shoulders. I look up at Emerson as he looks back down at me, smiling sweetly at me. I blush, looking at the jacket, "You don't- never mind honestly im freezing." We laugh together as we start heading down the street. We start talkign about our lives, I never knew I would want to learn about somthing more that I do about this man.

After a while we reach the hotel in staying in, stopping outside of the hotel and looking at eachother. "Thank you for helping me." I say, finally becoming sober again. He nods, grabbing somthing out of his pocket.

"Could we... Go out some time?" He asks and I smirk up at him. I stand on my tip toes, kissing him softly. I put my hands on the back of his neck as his hands find their way to my waist. The falling of the snow and the heat coming from our bodies make this the perfect first kiss. My dream, coming true with a man I met merely hours ago, but I love it.

I love him...

After our kiss I pull back slightly, "I would love that." I smile and put our foreheads together. He smiles and leans in once again, not wanting to stop this perfect moment.


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