The Truth (Remington Leith)

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So I started watching Riverdale and I had a idea for this book for the first time in forever. Thank you all for the suggestions you have sent me, I'll work on them as soon as I can. But for now, here you are. Hope you like it 🖤
(Imagine your character is kinda like Veronica and Rem is like Jughead)

Warning: If you have been affected by a murder, you might wanna skip this one unless you are alright with it. Doesn't talk a lot about it but it mentions.

Y/n P.o.v

I sit there, waiting. Watching out for any sort of an answer, a sign. I sigh, looking down before starting to walk off. I turn on my phone, the light illuminating my face as I look at the time.

11:24 PM

He was late. Again. My heels clink on the hard concrete as the cold breeze blows through the alleyway and through my H/L hair. I shake my head, angry at myself for even thinking he was going to come.

I keep walking down the ally, almost reaching the dimly lit street. I look up quickly as I hear footsteps from in front of me. A figure comes running out from behind the corner, almost running into me. I take a step back as the figure comes to a stop in front of me.

I look up at the familiar face, seeing the man I had been waiting for for hours. "Where and the fuck have you been Remmy." I snap at him and he pants, getting his breathe back.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I can explain." He says to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. I yank my shoulder away, walking past him. "Y/n please." He insists, but I keep walking.

"I found a lead on your brothers murder." Remmy studders. I stop in my tracks, looking back at him. He smiles ever so softly to me and I sigh,
"Let's go to the diner." I say, walking out onto the main sidewalk towards our favorite hangout.

I sit into a booth, taking off my black jacket and set it beside me. Rem slides into the other booth across from me, looking at me. I look at him, "Well? Tell me. What did you find Remmy" I ask him and he runs a hand through his hair, looking down into a his paper boy bag he carries around at all times.

He puts a stack of photos on the table and slides them to me. I take them carefully, looking through them as my eyes widen going through each picture. "What would Yasmine want with my brother Remmy." I ask him as I look at the woman in the photos. Yasmine was a girl in the same grade as my bother. They were good friends, but I wasn't expecting what I saw...

My brother and Yasmine making out secretly in Downy forest, or what they thought was a secretly. "Where did you find these?" I look at Remmy quickly and he sighs, "The sheriffs house." He says softly and I blink.

"And... What were you doing there?" I ask him and he leans back into the seat. "Looking for evidence Y/N." He explained and I nod, looking back down at the pictures.

Never in a million years would I think my best friend was willing to do this shit for me. To help me this way, but I was wrong. Remmy and I have been best friends since were like, seven or eight years old.

You couldn't split us apart, I told him everything, but Remmy... Well he was more on the conservative side. He didn't really like to talk about his feelings, and about what he thought unless it mattered to the situation.

Once my brother died though... Remmy was there for me, every step of the way actually. He has been helping me in every way he could and I appreciate it so much. I look up at the tired boy, looking at his eyebags, his messy hair under the red benie he always wears.

"Have you been getting sleep Rem?" I ask, tilting my head. He sighs, "Not really, no." He mutters and I shake my head. "You need sleep. You can't just stay up helping me with this, you have school." I say worriedly.

Remmy rolls his eyes, glancing out the window of the diner. I sigh, looking down before sitting up and grabbing Remmy's face. I pull him to me and our lips collide, fitting together perfectly. We had kissed once before, but it was a dare by his you her brother Emerson.

We pull away, just looking at each other in a daze. I smile softly and he does the same, standing from the booth. He grabs my hand and we run out of the diner. We run until we can't run anymore, ending up in a forest of trees. He backs me up against a tree before kissing me again sweetly. I giggle, putting my hands around his neck.

I pull back, "What's with all the quick business?" I ask and he smirks, rolling his eyes. "Well F/N M/N L/N, I wanted to show you something." I tilt my head slightly, raising an eyebrow. "And what's that?" I smile.

He kisses me again, this one the sweetest one yet. He pulls away, "I wanted to show you how much I love you Y/N... How much I've loved you for years. Our whole friendship, I have loved you more than you could ever realise. You've gone out with boys, but I could never get over you. I couldn't ever- get over you.... Because I love you..." I smile sweetly, giggling as I kiss the tip of his nose.

"Well Mr. Leith, I love you too. More than you could ever know." He smiles, picking me up and twirling me around in the air. He puts me down and hugs me tightly, "No matter what happens. Whatever could come between us. I will always protect you Y/N." He leans next to my ear, sending shivers up my spine  "Always."

This was a sweet one, hope you liked it! Sorry for taking so long ♥

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