One Day (Remington Leith)

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Warning: This is a sad one.
Set during 1880s-90s era :)

Imagine a perfect house, owned by a perfect couple, living in a perfect town. It's the best life anybody could ever get, right?


(Y/n pov)

"Oh Remmy!" I yell, running up the stairs of the old brick house. "Remington?" I ask, the sound of voices coming from down the hallway. Remington was my husband of four years. He was perfect; a singer, handsome, what else would a girl want? I walk towards our room slowly, and I stand in the doorway.

My eyes widen, seeing him pinning another girl against the wall. They were kissing, harshly. I hadn't ever seen him like this. There was a fire in his eyes, one that he had never shown around me. I could feel my heart crack into a million pieces, and I didn't realize I gasped aloud until he turns his head to me.

"Y/n! I uh, h-hello." He studders, and I take a step back, bolting out of the house as fast as I could. Tears fill my eyes, but I continue to run. I run out of the house, trying to get away before tripping in the yard. I pick myself back up, continuing to run. I had heard footsteps following me, but I could not tell you when they stopped.

Who knows how far I went, all I knew was that I wasn't near home anymore. I was filthy, tired, cold, and in the middle of nowhere. Tears still streamed down my cheeks, and I hold myself tightly. "How could he." I whimper, thinking of what I saw.

I look down at my stomach, sighing. I was going to tell him I was with child today, I was so excited that I even bought some flowers from the market. "We can do this." I whisper, rubbing my stomach. I wipe my tears with my other hand.

How could he...

3 years later

I live with my parents now, and I haven't talked to Remington since the incident. I had James, and he was a growing 2 and a half year old boy. I am at home one night when I hear a knock on the door.

I walk down the stairs, just putting James to sleep. I walk up to the door, opening it and seeing my so called "brother in law". "Ah... Emerson." I say, suprised. He looks at me, "Y/n, I have news of Reminton that you would probably want to know." He announces, and I raise a brow.

"Well what is it?" I ask him, crossing my arms. "He's dead." He says sadly, and my eyes widen slightly. "H-he... What..." I whisper. "His mistress, the woman he traded you for, stabbed him because he wanted to... See you." I says quietly, and my eyes fill with tears.

He wanted to see me....

4 months later

I walk down the path, getting to the burial site. I hold James in my arms, watching from afar as they lower his casket into the ground. James snuggles into me more, and for a three year old he was becoming harder to carry.

I sigh, the priest finishing off his prayer and everyone starting to spread away. I walk up to the grave once everyone is gone, looking down at the casket. I hold out a deep red rose, tossing it down into the hole.

Thoughts of our wedding fill my mind, how happy we were. My dress, how he fixed his hair, our kiss. It was perfect, but he ruined it all. Everything. Somehow, though, I still have forgiven him.

One day I'll see you again. One day...

I don't like this one. But, it's ok ig. Hope y'all like it, maybe.

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