Goodbye (Remington Leith)

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Authors note at the end! :) 

   When you have nothing, you feel a sorrow nobody else could ever feel. Sorrow that a  person, or thing, could never withstand.
   Ever since I was young, all I ever felt was lost. Abandoned, whether it be from my family, or ambitions... I just felt lost. As I write you this letter, my dear Remington, I settle in a small cabin by a lake. It has some pine trees near the eastern side, and the lake is so calming I could sleep just to the sound.
   My life has been a blockade for me to go and try newer experiences, but now that I have I can tell this will be one hell of a trip. When I wake sometimes I will grab onto my blankets next to me, before realising you aren't there. I don't cry anymore, I'm bittersweet about you.
   You allowed me to never be lonely. I didn't feel forgotten around you. I loved watching your reactions, I loved your hugs. I remember your eyes, oh how I loved your eyes. How they sparkled with you laughed, or how your pupils would grow when you would see me sad. Writing this now makes my heart strings pull, you've got to stop doing that to me honey.
   Well, this will be my last letter, since I don't think we'll be able to see each other again, but know that you will forever be dear to my heart Remington.
-Sending my love,

   Remington stands in the empty room, in an empty cabin... Alone. When he got your letter, he rushed to find you, but he was to late. He had found your mother there, grabbing the rest of your things and taking them home. Well, her home. You were already gone, only a week before.
   "How did she pass?" He inquired her, devastated. "Sickness. She always had it, life just became to much for her." Your mother replied, grabbing a painting. She looked at the colors longingly, sighing deeply with a light smile on her lips.
"She always did love the outdoors, she painted this right before she passed..." Your mother said before pushing it into a larger bag with some other things.
   "I am very sorry Rem, but you were just too late." She told him as she turns to the tall man. "Now if you'll excuse me." Your mother then walked out, leaving him alone once again.
   Remington closes your letter, reading it the third time. Tears roll down his pale cheeks, "I miss you y/n... I miss you so much." He drops to his knees before falling on the ground completely, laying on his back.
   He wipes his tears as he stares a the ceiling, soon feeling a warm presence. It was calming, like how you explained the water in your letter; only it was sweeter. "Y/n?..." He asks allowed, before he sees something a few feet away from him. He looks to see you, well a see-through version of yourself. You had a white aura around you, like a mist of dim light.
   "Y/n!" Remington says again and stands quickly, stumbling onto his feet. You smile, waving silently to towards him. He runs over before running right through you, and he sees you giggle lightly in your quiet state.
   "I must be crazy. I'm seeing a dead woman..." He tells himself, and you shake you head quickly. You grab his wrists, well, try to grab his wrists before your small hands pass straight through them. You frown, looking up at him sadly.
   "Y/n there's nothing we can do. We're just stuck..." He sighs, shaking his head in defeat. You nod, reaching up, and pretending to have you hands on his shoulders. You then try to kiss him, before pulling away and smiling.
   I love you. You mouth to him and he nods, "I love you most." You then disappear into the woodwork, and his breaths fall low and relaxed.
   Goodbye, my dear Remington...

Well hey there! Been a while. Sorry this one is so bad, I've been outta the loop writing wise for like 3 months now lmao. Well, who knows when I'll update again so... C'ya then! ❤

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