Happily Ever After (Emerson Barrett)

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Romeo and Juliet Themed. Hope you like it!
1st person~
You are Capulet, he is Montague.

I walk into my garden, looking up at the moon and bright stars. I continue following wherever my brain took me, knowing this maze like the back of my hand. I soon turn the corner, getting to the middle. I find a figure, standing against the grass wall with a cloak hiding their body and face.

I smile sweetly, "Emerson..." I whisper and the figure glances over, lifting the hood to show his beautiful blue eyes. I smile wider and he runs over, lifting me and spinning me. I giggle, putting my hands on his chest as he puts me back down gently.

"Hello princess." He whispers and I reach up, kissing him needily. He keeps his hands at my hips and I wrap mine around his neck. After what seems like minutes we pull away, laying our foreheads against each other.

"Oh have I missed you so." I whine, pouting as he smiles. "I'm sorry Y/n, but I can never get away from my brothers." He sighs, running a hand through his hair. I hug him gently, "It's alright love." I whisper.

"I got m'lady something." He smiles and I watch as he walks over to the bag he had against the wall. I straighten out my dress before he walks back over to me."Here." I take it gently, holding the delicate box in my fingers as I open it.

It shows me a beautiful silver necklace with a beautiful (Favorite color) heart shaped jewel. I smile up at him excitedly, "Oh my goodness, it's beautiful!" I say and he nods back in response.

He turns me and moves my hair aside, putting it around my neck gently. Feeling his fingers touch my neck makes me shiver, biting my lip. He turns me back around and smiles brightly. "You are such a sight for sore eyes." I blush, glancing aside. I pulls me back to his lips, kissing me sweetly.

We continue talking, and joking... And kissing, for quite a while. "I don't want to leave." I say sadly. He hugs me, "Then don't." He whispers in my ear, and I shiver once again. "But my mother and father-- tis' almost daylight." I look at him.

He pauses seeming like he was thinking something. "What is it love?" I ask him worriedly. "Run off with me Y/n," He ask abruptly. "We wouldn't ever have to deal with our fighting parents ever again." He says and my eyes widen.

I glance down, thinking. "But what would our families say. Your brothers love you so." I say worriedly and he shakes his head, kissing my cheek. "You are the only one I care about now." He whispers and a smile grows on my face.

"I still don't think it's a good idea but..." I pause, and he gives me the most excited look. "Alright. When?" I ask him sweetly with a smile.

~Three weeks later~

I lift my hood, fixing it onto my head. I look around quickly before running away from my home. I run until I make it to the middle of the maze once again, where I find my sweet Emerson. He runs over to me, kissing me. I drop my bag, kissing him back.

He pulls away, and I just look at him. "Now lets live happily ever after." I smile brightly, grabbing my bag off the ground and linking my arm with his. "Always." I respond. We run off together, not looking back ever again. Weeks go by before we finally elope, only the priest there to watch our happy gazes before we are pronounced husband and wife.

That night, we are finally together. I lay cuddled up to his sheeted figure that was panting lightly. I look at his naked chest, putting a hand to it and smiling up at him. He looks down at me, smiling back, "You're are so beautiful m'lady." I blush, covering more of my naked body with the sheet as I feel his gaze. He wraps his arms around my waist, bringing me to him protectively.

"I love you." I whisper, closing my eyes gently as I smile softly.

"I love you more princess." He whispers back.

Okay but like, we're reading Romeo and Juliet in class and I'm obsessed with the story. This one ends better though haha. Thank you for still being here if you read this, I know it's been quite a few months since I've posted. Love you all 💕💕💕

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