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I took a deep breath stretching my arms over my head, before gently scratching my arm. I hissed at the uncomfortable bruise I had there, turning a light blue, almost green. I took another deep breath finishing up my form for Mr. Edmund. I saved it to my computer and to a hard drive before getting my stuff ready to go home. As I stood I realized that I had stayed late again. It was hard to work from home sometimes. I would rather work in peace and quiet.

I picked up my laptop and jacket walking towards the exit. As I waited for the elevator I thought of an excuse to tell Emily. Traffic perhaps? She wouldn't fall for that again. The doors opened for the elevator where I walked in looking for the lobby button before I heard someone calling.

"Hold the door!" I quickly reached to hold the door when the woman ran in. "Oh thank you, I hate taking the elevator alone." I smiled politely pressing the lobby button.

"No problem," I said quietly, my voice cracking.

"Huh?" She turned to me.

"Oh, I said no problem." She laughed awkwardly.

"Oh, sorry I'm so in my own head right now." She laughed again. "I'm Marlene Holt." She put her hand out. I gently shook it and she smiled looking at me almost as if to say something. "And you are?"

"Oh I'm Harry Styles" She smiled.

"Harry Sty- oh gosh we're on the same team for the presentation next month." I had completely forgotten to check the memo folder in my e-mails. The elevator door opened and she stepped out. "Right, well I'll email you again." She smiled as we walked out of the building past the security. "Have a nice night." She waved walking towards where she was going.

I drove home thinking of what to say to Emily again. Traffic, definitely traffic. I remember when I first met Emily, she was in my grade in secondary school. We began dating when we were seventeen and eighteen and now we're about to be twenty-three and twenty-four. She had been my rock since the beginning, but with the move to the states last year, she had gotten a bit more agitated, especially since she didn't have a job yet. Not that she looked much, she was very picky with certain stuff and it made it harder for her to find something permanent.

I made it to my apartment and parked in my usual spot going up as quick as I could to our place. I walked in and she sat there on our couch watching the television. The house smelled normal, no food on the table yet. "Hi, darling." She looked at me for a second and then turned to the tv set. I set my stuff down and walked over to lean over her for a kiss.

"You're late." She pulled away. She never let me kiss her anymore.

"I texted you and told you I had some stuff to do-"

"What stuff! God Harry, you need to be home on time, I'm sick of waiting for you all the time!" She screamed. I looked down and felt my stomach growl.

"Did you make dinner?" I asked calmly not wanting to argue again. She shook her head.

"Well I ate, and if you were here on time, I would have made you something." She shrugged. I sighed walking to the kitchen to make myself some food. I was tired and just wanted to sleep. I opened the refrigerator and there wasn't any bread or cheese. Nothing to actually make food so I had to settle on a can of soup. As I waited for the food to heat up on the stove I heard her walk in behind me. I looked at her and she put her hands on her hips.

"What's wrong?" She shook her head.

"I need money to buy groceries tomorrow, and I need the car." I sighed, that means I would need to take the bus. I pulled my wallet out and handed her two twenties. She looked at it. "That's all, you'd think working so much would pay off."

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