1. Best Summer Yet

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Florence + The Machine - Cosmic Love

"I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map
And knew that somehow I could find my way back."

"HEY BONNIE. How is the summer almost over, and yet I got nothing done?" Elena began typing into her computer to Bonnie, who spent the summer away. "Sounds like you're having fun traveling with your mom. I still don't know how I'm supposed to do this whole college thing without you. And Caroline agrees; she spent the whole summer designing the color palette for our dorm room, while Tyler's been away helping some wolf pack in Tennessee."

Elena looked up from her computer to see Holden sleeping in bed peacefully, lying on his stomach. She giggled to herself before finishing off her letter. "Matt and Rebekah have been sending postcards. I think they're in Amsterdam now... or was it Prague? I can't keep track, and honestly, I'm not sure I really want to know. Anyway, Holden and I... We have never been greater. I can't wait to see you. When do you get back? Love, Elena."

Elena then stood up from her seat before quietly tip toeing towards her sleeping boyfriend. A huge smirk was spread across her lips as she touched his cheek.

The two were inseparable and spent their summer building a beautiful relationship. Elena trusted Holden more and more everyday. For the first time Elena was actually happy to be a vampire. With Holden.

Damon was still not home, searching for Izzie and Elena could see how worried Holden was getting. Not only Damon was gone, trying to find Izzie, but also Stefan, who magically disappeared, but Holden knew he kept his word and left because Elena chose his older brother.

Elena slowly traced her lean fingers along his jaw causing Holden to move in his sleep before he finally opened one eye to see Elena smiling up at him. A huge grin appeared on his sleepy face. "How was sleep?" Elena questioned curiously so Holden mused before grabbing her by her waist and throwing her on the bed. "Holden!"

Holden appeared on top of her as Elena chuckled staring into his green eyes that she was so glad to own. Constant jealousy surrounded Elena whenever Holden talked to another woman, even if it was just Caroline. She was so in love she could've locked herself in the room with him for the rest of her life.

The Salvatore kissed her lips hungrily, not being afraid to kiss her anymore. They shared many kisses, nights, hugs and love in the summer but it was rarely enough. Elena kissed him back before pulling away. "We have to get up, I'm leaving today," Elena commented as Holden pouted before deciding to kiss her neck.

cosmic love // e. gilbert 3.Where stories live. Discover now