12. Talk To Me

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Birdy - Wild Horses

"I will survive and be the one who's stronger
I will not beg you to stay
I will move on and you should know I mean it
Wild horses run in me."

ELENA WAS SLEEPING IN HOLDEN'S BED AS IT WAS AN EARLY MORNING AND SUN JUST BEGAN TO RISE. She turned on her other side to see Holden sleeping peacefully besides her.

A small smile appeared on her lips and she knew she did the right thing of choosing him over Liam. Holden was everything except how she remembered him. Or what memories of him she got told of.

Instead of waking him up, Elena quietly got out of bed before taking her clothes into her hands. She suddenly dropped her jacket down causing it to make sound. Elena gritted her teeth but Holden only turned on his back before sleeping again.

She rushed into the shower and quickly freshened herself up before walking out to find Holden standing in the middle of the room only in pajama pants.

Elena stopped as he raised his eyebrow up at her. "Sneaking out?" he questioned playfully as Elena chuckled while shaking her head.

"Nope. You just slept so nicely I decided to wake you up a little later but here you are," Elena moved into the sun causing Holden to widen his eyes but she was fine. "I'm late for my volunteer shift at the hospital."

"A new ring," Holden grabbed her wrist gently as Elena flexed it with a smile. "Jo made it?"

"Now I know what you think but it's a s-" before Elena could finish Holden pulled her into his embrace before placing one hand on her lower waist. Elena smiled at him. "Morning."

"Yep," Holden smirked before kissing her hungrily. Elena placed her hands on his neck before kissing him deeper. "I think you can be late for your shift, hm?"

Elena pouted before shaking her head. "Is it about my shift or is it about that you want me to stay inside because it was Jo who made me a new daylight ring?"

Holden bit his lower lip. "I'm not gonna lie... I'm a little skeptical."

"I know everyone has their doubts about Jo's magic, but she has an entire month to get stronger and win the merge with Kai, so a little bit of support wouldn't kill anybody," she told him seriously.

Holden sighed with a nod as he still didn't let Elena out of his grip. Not that she was complaining in any way. "Speaking of killing, where is that douche Kai?" Holden asked as he let go of Elena.

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