7. Hate Me

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Arctic Monkeys - I Wanna Be Yours

"Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours."


Holden stared at her with his green eyes burning into her soul. After all the pain he held, he was finally ready to let go of it. "Hi," he began as Elena looked down, clearly uncomfortable. "Listen... I know Alaric is human now and he will never give you back your memories of me, but it would suck less if you remembered me."

Elena looked back at him blankly before letting out a sigh. "I don't know what to say even."

Holden then took one step forward as he could feel her so close to him. "I've missed you like hell, Elena," he told her calmly as shivers went down her spine. But not because she enjoyed it, but because he was a complete stranger to her.

"I remember... only blankness," Elena admitted as Holden nodded his head, clearly upset. "I don't remember us being close at all, especially when you turned your emotions off. I remember you hurting Jeremy, Izzie, Matt... Nothing good."

Holden didn't want to show his sadness so he smiled slightly. "And then I died... And you moved on," he finished for her as Elena met his eyes before nodding her head. "It's okay, Elena."

"Holden... I know that I loved you more than anyone in the world," Elena said as he smiled even wider. "And I know that I forgave you many things, but I just don't remember the good you or why I did what I did. I don't feel it anymore. I'm-"

"Yeah," Holden whispered before backing away to the door. "Okay, um... It's fine..."

"I'm sorry," Elena grabbed the door as he nodded once again. "I really am."

Holden couldn't find the right words so he just nodded his head until Elena closed the door in his face.

THE NEXT MORNING HOLDEN WAS IN THE HOSPITAL WITH DAMON. The two were in Alaric's hospital room as Damon touched a bunch of buttons on Alaric's heart monitor.

Alaric glanced at Holden to see him sitting on a couch, looking incredibly broody. "Hey. I really don't think you should be playing with all that stuff," Ric snapped at Damon, who backed away from the machine.

"Keep going. We are on a roll," Damon smirked as he turned to Holden, who only rolled his eyes. "I don't even know how you installed such information into Elena's brain. Holden barely ever hurt any of the people Elena cared about. I did it. Let's see. I turned Caroline into my own personal blood juice box, I turned Matt's sister into a vampire and threatened to kill Bon-Bon a couple of times."

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