2.1 Forget Me

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Lucy Rose - Be Alright

"Because I knew
That you would be alright
And in my heart you would stay a while with me."

FRAMED PICTURES WERE LYING ON ELENA'S DRESSER. The girl was trying to get rid of stuff, which reminded her of Holden. She was not ready to delete him out of her life but the pain of knowing that she would never see him again hurt her.

Elena stopped in front of the pictures before seeing one picture with her and Caroline, where they were sticking their tongues out. Another picture was of her and Holden as the two took a selfie in the Salvatore Boarding House. She remembered that day, where they just were chilling around, just the two of them.

The Gilbert girl sighed before moving her eyes to a picture of Tyler and her. She smiled slightly before approaching her bed, where a bag laid with a bunch off framed pictures inside. Elena grabbed a blue shirt from the bed, folded it and placed it in a box with a sad look on her face.

She noticed a picture on the ground which she accidentally dropped while cleaning. Elena bent down before picking up. She saw Holden on it as he smiled at the camera. Elena wasn't in the shot because she was the one to take it. Elena put the picture in the box as well before taking the pictures from the dresser with her and Holden.

The girl slid her drawer open while holding both things before she found one of Holden's flannel shirts. Elena slowly put the pictures down before taking the flannel out and holding it tightly to her chest with a pained look on her face. Elena saw a piece of paper lying in the dresser too as she took it.

It was Holden's letter for her when he died. Elena refused to read it ever again because it hurt her the most. She had practically memorized the whole letter just by reading it one time and she felt embarrassed that she didn't follow his wishes. "What could you have expected, Holden? Leaving me alone like that?" Elena whispered under her breath before taking the letter.

Elena put all of the stuff which reminded her of Holden into two separate boxes before closing them. "I let him go..." Elena whispered as she remembered her talk with Jeremy.

"You're gonna erase Bonnie and Damon from your head too?" Jeremy questioned as the two spoke on the phone.

Elena was in her room as she had just began packing stuff. "Missing Damon makes me sad for Izzie and I need to be there for her. Missing Bonnie makes me sad, Jer. And missing him... it makes me dangerous. Alaric will compel away my memories and then make me forget that I had him do it. I need you to keep the truth from me too. Tyler, Matt and Stefan are on board."

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