16. Back Together Or Not?

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Beyonce - Crazy In Love (FSOG version)

"Such a funny thing for me to try to explain
How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame
And I still don't understand
Just how your love could do what no one else can."

ELENA WOKE UP ALONE IN HER DORM ROOM. She sat up in her bed confusedly before looking around the room, wondering where everyone was. The confused girl left her dorm room to see an empty corridor before walking slowly. "Hello?"

The floor creaked so she turned around. "Hello?"

"Hey. You're awake," suddenly Stefan spoke causing her to face him. Elena felt like she was in a dream. Not only did she had a blackout she couldn't remember much.

"Stefan... What are you doing here? Where is everyone?" she asked in confusion before her mind wandered to Holden and how she missed him.

Stefan stared at her calmly. "Everyone's gone. The whole school cleared out for spring break. You've been in and out since you first woke up."

Elena slowly nodded her head, taking the information in. "Oh. O-ok. That makes sense. I thought I was going crazy," she explained as she tried to walk up to Stefan but encountered a force field that prevented her from coming too close. "What's going on? Wh-y-y..."

"We had to seal you into the building.." Stefan trailed off as she looked at him in complete confusion. "We've got a lot of catching up to do."

After that Elena began to say what she remembered and what not. "The last thing I remember, I was running through the woods.. my head felt like it was being attacked by Katherine's whole life. I saw Holden and I threw my arms around him... and.. nothing."

Stefan sighed. He didn't want to tell Elena that Holden turned his emotions off or that he killed Aaron, or that Holden took a huge part in infecting her body with the Ripper virus. "Yeah... that was about three weeks ago."

"Three weeks ago? Wow. Three weeks," Elena exclaimed with a face before looking back at Stefan. "Yet it took just one second for Katherine to infect me with some virus that makes me want to kill all my friends."

"Oh yeah. You know Katherine - she's not about to go out without a grand finale," Stefan smiled nervously as Elena closed her eyes.

"Do you really think this whole lock-down is necessary? I mean, I feel fine," Elena told Stefan, who only looked at her with a look, telling her that he didn't believe.

cosmic love // e. gilbert 3.Where stories live. Discover now