4. Take Me

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"Light will lead the way, will set you free
'Cause I'm only looking for a little peace
And when the night falls
Oh, call on me
Just don't forget to show me some mercy."

HOLDEN WAS SITTING OUTSIDE ELENA'S HOUSE ON A SWING. He was swinging back and forth slightly as he was looking down. Thinking about reuniting with his brother and Bonnie and how much earlier he should've done that.

It still felt unreal. He couldn't believe they were real and it was overwhelming. But deep inside a broken and alone Holden was slowly leaving and a slight peace of hope came back. Holden then stood up from the swings before walking inside her house, which got burnt years ahead of where they were. It felt warm.

Baby pictures of Elena were hanging on the wall as Holden stopped in front of it with an aching heart. Elena wasn't showing to him anymore and he didn't know whether it was because he got reunited with Damon or because he was finally okay. But it didn't feel like any of those things.

Holden began walking up the stairs as he entered Elena's room but the room looked more like a nursery so he closed the door before walking back down with a dull look on his face.

Damon was waiting for him in the living room and when Holden entered it Damon turned around with a smirk. "Reminiscing the past?" Damon couldn't hide his excitement. His younger brother was alive. All they needed to do was escape the hell and reunite with Stefan then. Where all three of them could be together again.

Bonnie told Damon that Holden looked different. And Damon understood that completely. While he was annoyed with Bonnie, during the months he grew really close to her but Holden had no one. It can drive you insane truly. "Listen, while we're here alone, I just wanted to say-" Damon began but Holden just shook his head while he walked around the living room.

"You know..." Holden spoke after the whole night of being quiet as Damon frowned slightly. He wanted to help his brother so much. "When I woke up in New York alone, I wanted to go back to Mystic Falls immediately. But it hurt too much knowing that there wouldn't be any of you."

"I'm shocked you're here, brother," Damon said calmly as Holden glanced at him. "Bonnie's grams put me and her here. It was actually just her but we kinda held hands and that's how I appeared here too. I have no idea how you did though."

Holden listened as he thought of Sheila. "I wish I would've died, Damon," Holden said silently as Damon quickly shook his head.

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