13. Dark Side

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Cage The Elephant - Too Late To Say Goodbye

"No turning back, no where to run, no where to hide
It's too late to say goodbye."

STEFAN AND CAROLINE PARKED THE CAR NEXT TO A GAS STATION. Caroline checked her phone again to see if the address was correct. "I can't believe Elena actually left Holden," Caroline sighed deeply as she locked her phone before glancing at Stefan.

"It's weird. She just told him she doesn't love him anymore but I don't believe in that, Caroline," Stefan sighed before waiting for her to say some news.

"Oh, yeah, this is the one," she nodded as the two both got out of the car. "Mom told me there were calls from freaked out people. Apparently, someone's been mass killing, leaving victims with no blood."

Stefan nodded his head. "It's a good thing she told us. Somebody's been just turned probably," he commented as the two approached the entering.

Caroline looked at Stefan uneasily. "Well, let's just deal with it. By the way, after Elena broke up with Holden... Where did he go?" she asked opening the door and entering.

"I have no idea. I just hope he's okay," he mused before stopping in tracks. Caroline gasped as she stared at a pile of bodies laying across the station. Blood was all around the walls, shelves and floor as they heard a scream.

"Please, please, don't," a man cried out as he held a knife above his index finger. He was compelled to cut all of his fingers off and already cut one off. The man had no idea what was happening just that he had to cut even if it hurt like hell. The knife was moving down as he sobbed, not wanting to lose another finger. "No, stop it!"

Before he could cut Stefan sped to him before throwing the knife away as he stared at the man's bleeding hand. "Oh my god, oh my god," Caroline freaked as she rushed over to them as well before looking at the man, who fell to the floor sobbing loudly. "Who did this to you, sir?"

Caroline then kneeled down in front of him before bitting into her wrist. She wanted to offer him some of her blood but he wouldn't take it. "Why isn't he taking my blood?" Caroline asked before shoving her wrist to his mouth so he'd drink.

Stefan stared down at the man with shocked eyes before he heard someone bite into something crunchy. The two vampires quickly turned around to see Holden eating a bag of chips as he walked out of the toilet before stopping in his tracks. "Holden?" Stefan asked in confusion.

"Why aren't you cutting, Steve?" Holden questioned Steve curiously as Steve cried before trying to stand up but Caroline made him sit as she knew he was compelled to do as Holden told.

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