18. Even More Annoying Dreams

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RY X - Bad Love

"Tell me you're another girl
Heavy lust, heavy touch
Give me that bad love, bad love
We could have love on fire
I give it all up for bad love."

ELENA ENTERED HOLDEN'S ROOM TO FIND HIM STARING THROUGH THE WINDOW. Ever since he came back it was different. She thought it would be easier. That he'd just come to her and they'd be together again.

But when Holden came back, he just decided to go straight to his room, ignoring everyone. Stefan, Damon, Caroline, even Izzie tried to talk to him, but he never answered. So Elena had to take a shot at talking to him. "Hey," she spoke as he didn't turn around.

Elena knew what it felt to come back and suddenly feel again. It was difficult and overwhelming, but most importantly it hurt. "Holden, I-" Elena then paused with a sad look on her face. She didn't know how to start as well as not to think of the dream she had of Stefan.

Holden suddenly turned around to face Elena. The Gilbert girl had never seen such eyes on him before. Pain, grief and hate danced in them and she wished she'd see happiness again. He looked like he had been crying for these last 20 hours. "How are you?" Elena asked, walking closer towards him.

The Salvatore shrugged his shoulders as Elena frowned before stopping just in front of him. She hesitated to touch him but before she knew Holden placed his hand on her cheek before stroking it. Elena stared at Holden in surprise and then she smiled weakly. Holden then took his hand off her face before turning back to the window.

Elena had no idea what was swirling in his head so she just hugged him from behind before tip toeing to place her chin on his wide shoulder. She snaked her arms around his waist as the two stared through the window at the sun. "I'm glad you're back," Elena whispered as he put his hand on hers before closing his eyes at the warmth of her.

Holden was not okay, and not even Elena could see it.

DAMON AND ENZO WERE IN THE MAIN LIVING AREA, PLAYING A GAME OF POOL AS THEY CHATTED ABOUT THE RECENT EVENTS. "So you broke up," Enzo began, meaning Izzie, who left with Elena and Caroline. "That I get. Then you slept together. Not smart, but again, I get it. Now here's where it gets a bit hazy for me. You just left her so you could deal with your emotionless brother, who has turned it on already?"

Damon took his shot at the game before shrugging nonchalantly. "Izzie cares about Holden and the well being of most people. Of course I went there," he answered, not seeing such a big deal about it.

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