14. Let Go Of Me

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Kodaline - All I Want

"Cause you brought out the best of me
A part of me I'd never seen
You took my soul wiped it clean
Our love was made for movie screens."

ELENA GLANCED AT HOLDEN AS THE TWO WALKED THROUGH THE HALLWAYS OF MYSTIC FALLS HIGH SCHOOL. He was quieter than usual and Elena knew it had to do with him finding out about Damon giving blood to Izzie. "You okay?" Elena questioned with a smile as she connected her hand with his.

Holden turned to look at her and smiled honestly with a nod as the two entered Principal Weber's office. It was hard to convince him to let Jeremy graduate earlier because of the track record of his attendance.

"Principal Weber, I know that graduation isn't for a few months, but Jeremy just got accepted into this great art school," Elena explained herself as the man listened to her with a frown that Holden wanted to wipe off his face.

"Jeremy Gilbert, I don't think so," Principal Weber answered with a strict tone, which was suitable for such a position as a principal. "Not with his academic record."

Elena frowned. "What's wrong with it?" she questioned as Holden crossed his arms over his chest, ready to just compel the principal and get on with it.

"You have a few hours?" Weber sassed causing Elena to glance at Holden, who had a look of surprise on his face. "All right. Let's start with drug use in his freshman year."

Holden mentally rolled his eyes as he smiled to the Principal charmingly. "You have to give it to him, Principal. That was the year his parents died."

Principal Weber eyed Holden before nodding. "Ok. So what's the excuse for the next 3 years of woeful attendance?"

"Well, look at him. I mean, clearly those pecks didn't come from studying," Holden joked as Elena knew his mood had to do with Izzie and Damon thing. "He used to be really scrawny when I met him."

Weber was confused and a little creeped out. "I do recall the 4 months where he faked his own death."

Holden chuckled as Elena glanced at him angrily. "He was dead. He died in this island where we went to search for the cure for vampirism. Jeremy was the hunt-"

"Holden!" Elena scolded loudly so he shut his mouth and smiled at the Principal.

"Is this some sort of a joke to you?" Weber questioned as Elena quickly shook her head.

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