19. Too Much Broken Hearts

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Bishop Briggs - River

"How do we fall in love
Harder than a bullet could hit ya?
How do we fall apart
Faster than a hair pin trigger?"

HOLDEN'S PHONE RANG FOR THE 100TH TIME THAT DAY. He was so close to smashing it in some nearby wall as he walked around some town, where he found Lauren and turned her.

"Why aren't you answering your phone?" Izzie then questioned as she walked besides him. Holden was annoyed because she followed him and decided to tag along as if he was just going shopping.

"Because I don't want to be found," Holden said in a grumble. He wanted to get rid of Izzie because the two weren't really speaking to each other. He didn't even apologize and she didn't ask for it. But Holden knew she still felt a bit traumatized. "Go home. Damon's probably waiting for you."

Izzie rolled her eyes as she stopped walking. She glanced at Holden to see him looking around with a small frown. "Well, Damon and I are not on relationship highest peak right now. Speaking or relationships... Elena told me you two are also struggling," Izzie commented with a face as Holden rolled his eyes before turning around to face her.

"Again, I said go home," he snapped as Izzie didn't avoid his eyes. "What are you doing here? I don't need your company."

"Hm, says a guy who's been walking around for this past hour," Izzie snapped back as Holden clenched his jaw.

"Izzie... I have emotions now but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna snap at you. Stop following me around," Holden sneered as he got into her face.

"Exactly why I'm going," for some odd reason Izzie wasn't backing up. She just stared right back at him. "I'm here to make sure your emotions are still intact. You don't know what you're gonna see. How much more your heart will break today."

Holden only shook his head at Izzie in disappointment. "You don't know what it feels like," he told her as Izzie's look softened. "I hurt you, Izzie. How can you follow me like that afterwards?"

Izzie's look softened as she took Holden's hand. It was cold as Izzie squeezed it. Holden frowned as he raised his eyes up at her. "It wasn't you. It was just a shell of you. That's why I forgave."

"But you didn't forget, Izzie," Holden let go of her hand as he backed away a little. "You will never forget. So, go home."

"You need help. I don't know why Elena is so dumb not to see, but—"

"Elena's not dumb!" Holden raised his voice as a few people walking past looked their way. "She understands me and is giving me space. She knows I have to do this. I have to get Lauren's forgiveness... Because..." he paused as his phone rang again. Holden ignored it once again. "Because only then I can get others including you to forgive me."

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