15. Possessed Girlfriends

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Ruelle - Game Of Survival

"This is a wild game of survival."

STEFAN ENTERED HOLDEN'S ROOM. As expected it was empty since Holden wasn't living there anymore. The youngest brother had no idea how to reach Holden's emotions. But now he knew Elena wasn't Elena. Maybe that was his new solution.

Stefan walked further into Holden's room before sitting down on a chair near his desk. Stefan saw a framed picture of him and Elena. The two were posing while hiking as Stefan knew deep down Holden missed it. The Salvatore took the picture before taking the picture out just in case he'd need to use it.

When he stood up he saw Izzie standing in the hallway. The girl was still in deep depression after Holden almost killed her. Stefan helped her as much as he could. "What are you doing here, Izzie?" Stefan asked as Izzie walked into the room before shrugging.

"Everyone's downstairs talking about Katherine being in Elena's body. Damon's in the cellar and I don't even want to go and see him..." she said dully as Stefan smiled a little. "I don't know why I came here."

Stefan nodded before approaching her. He put his hands on her shoulders before smiling at her again. "This is your home, Izzie. Go wherever you want to go," he said before pulling away. Stefan began to head towards the door.

"Stefan," Izzie called so Stefan stopped before facing her once again. "I want to help you bring Holden back."

Stefan furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

Izzie only pursed her lips before walking closer to him. "Right now, you're the only one that is actually trying to come up with something. It's always you. And as much as I'm hurt and upset, I know it wasn't him. And that's why we gotta bring him back. Because more people can get hurt."

Stefan thought about it a little before nodding. "What do you have in mind?"

A MAN WAS THROWN OUT OF THE BACK DOOR OF THE MYSTIC GRILL. He yelled out as he fell against a graffiti covered wall. Lauren walked out of the door, her heels clicking against the floor. "Please. I beg you, please," the man pleaded.

It was just the morning and many people could've heard but for Lauren it was hunger again. She rushed over to him before bitting into his neck harshly, spilling blood everywhere. Holden walked out from the same door while sipping a cold drink. He watched Lauren feed before smiling at her.

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