16. Scare Me

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Grandson - Blood//Water

"We'll never get free
Lamb to the slaughter
What you gon' do
When there's blood in the water."

HOLDEN CRUSHED BONNIE'S BONES AS HE HELD HER TIGHTLY IN HIS EMBRACE. Damon smiled slightly as Bonnie chuckled managing to pull away to look him in the eyes.

Holden let out a laugh once again as his excited eyes moved to Damon. "I can't believe it," he said as Bonnie walked over to Izzie and hugged her too.

When Holden and Izzie finally talked things out they came back to find Bonnie, who came back. "You got our message," Holden realized as he couldn't stand in one place.

"I did," Bonnie smiled widely when she pulled away from Izzie. "Izzie, you should've seen how much Damon talked about you during our time there."

Damon rolled his eyes slightly as Izzie went to hug him. Holden smiled and glanced at his older brother once again. He held a weird face which instantly made Holden suspicious. "Everything okay, Damon?" Holden asked as Bonnie looked at the raven haired vampire, who just cleared his throat and nodded his head.

"He's just shocked," Bonnie smiled tightly as she then smiled at Holden. "How's Elena?"

A big grin appeared on Holden's face as he realized she didn't know about Bonnie coming back. "Of course! I'm such an idiot. I have to call her," he took his phone out but before he could call Elena, Stefan called him. "Yes, Stefan. You have no idea what I'm about to tell."

"Me too."

CAROLINE TURNED HER EMOTIONS OFF WHICH COMPLICATED A LOT OF THINGS. The next day Holden was walking through the Whitmore campus, waiting to meet Elena as he wrote her a message on the phone. Not looking where he was going, he accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry," he mused as he raised his eyes to see a certain blonde girl.

"Hello there," Caroline smiled with an empty look on her face causing Holden to slowly put his phone into his jeans pocket. "What brings you here this lovely day?"

"Elena," he answered. Holden wanted to be safe with words around the blonde because he knew how it felt not to feel anything. Sometimes he missed that but Elena, his brothers and Izzie were his anchors in keeping emotions on the line. "I heard you ripped the cord."

Caroline giggled as Holden knew what Caroline had done to Elena the night she turned it off. He wasn't pissed because he understood the blonde completely but he feared she'd hurt Elena even worse. "And I know you're pissed that I snapped your girlfriend's neck."

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