6. Find Me

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Vancouver Sleep Clinic - Someone To Stay

"Hear you falling and lonely, cry out
Will you fix me up? Will you show me hope?
The end of the day, I'm helpless
Can you keep me close? Can you love me most?"

HOLDEN WAS SITTING ON THE BENCH STILL IN THE SALVATORE FAMILY CRYPT AS STEFAN AND DAMON WATCHED HIM. "Why did she do that?" Holden asked dully before raising his eyes up at Stefan.

The three brothers were happy as Damon told everything to Stefan - from them being stuck in the prison world with a psychopath named Kai to Holden, being alone for about half a year. But then Holden wanted to leave and see the main reason he wanted to live. Only to find out she erased her memories of him. "She had Alaric to it," Stefan hesitantly answered as Damon closed his eyes in annoyance.

"Well, I can still see her, can't I? Maybe she will remember everything once she sees me," Holden shrugged before standing up. He began to leave the crypt but Stefan stopped him.

"Holden... She thinks you're just a killer. She thinks that you weren't anything but acquaintances," he explained causing Damon to glare at Stefan angrily.

Holden yanked his arm back to himself as he stared at Stefan in hurt and denial. "Then what am I supposed to do?!" he shouted loudly.

"Where is Izzie, Stefan?" Damon questioned curiously as Holden glanced at Damon. A small smile then appeared on his face as Stefan mused with a smile.

"Well... We aren't really close anymore, cause she's angry at me," Stefan answered a little bumped as Damon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "She's actually living with Alaric ever since you two died."

"Alaric? Since when she's friends with Ric?" Holden asked as Damon smirked widely.

"Never you mind. I have to go somewhere," Damon explained excitedly as he patted Holden's shoulder and began to leave, only to be stopped with Stefan once again.


"Don't tell me she followed Elena and erased us both?!" Damon exclaimed as Stefan shook his head. Holden let out a breath as he sat back down on the bench.

"I just... I just thought..." Stefan trailed off as Damon stared at him in confusion. "Never mind."

Damon smirked before rushing away as Stefan looked at Holden. "I can't believe you're actually here," Stefan said before he sat down next to Holden. "I'm sorry I didn't do much to save you both."

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