3. Meet Me

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Matt Maeson - Me And My Friends Are Lonely

"I can't open up to you
Me and my friends are lonely
I don't know what to do
I always figured I'd be the one to die alone."

THE MIDDLE SALVATORE WOKE UP ON A COLD GROUND. Everything still seemed like a dream to him. For a second he forgot that he was all alone in some other world. He just wanted to get up and go to Elena.

But then reality set in and he sat up alone, in some basement, not remembering how he got there in the first place. Holden could feel vervain in his body and it made him weak. He leaned against the wall while trying to stand up but then he noticed a young guy sitting on a chair with a grin on his face.

Holden furrowed his eyebrows because he had never met him before. "Who the hell are you?" he questioned. It was a change for sure. For the past four months Holden only saw Elena so seeing someone else was refreshing. Even if he thought the guy was just another imaginary person his mind created.

"Who am I? Who are you?" the guy questioned back before he leaned forward in his seat with a teasing look on his face. "I didn't know there were people suddenly roaming around my own hell."

Holden stared at him in complete bewilderment as he groaned from the vervain. He could feel it on his neck and when he tried to reach it, the vervain only began burning his whole arm. "Ah. Sorry about that," the guy said dully as Holden raised his sleeve up while gritting his teeth to see vervain leaves wrapped around his arm. "I figured you're strong and well... I kinda need you to help me."

"Who the hell are you?" Holden asked again as he groaned before deciding not to move so the vervain wouldn't hurt him even more.

The guy suddenly stood up as he began to walk nonchalantly towards Holden, who only glared at him. "I can be anything you want me to be. I mean, I just met you and I don't know much about you, except that Damon couldn't stop talking about you to Bonnie. You're Holden, aren't you?"

Holden had no idea what was up with that guy. But he still thought he was just imagining him. Just like he imagined hearing Damon's and Bonnie's voices. "Damon and Bonnie are here?" Holden still asked. After all this time he still held hope that he would escape that hell. And that's why it was so hard for him to end it.

"Maybe. Or maybe I'm lying," he smirked back as Holden let out a fuming breath. He already hated that someone.

"Who are you and why am I imagining you?"

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