19. Imagine Me

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City And Colour - The Girl

"I wish I could do better by you
'Cause it's what you deserve
You sacrifice so much of your life
In order for this to work."

"I HAVE TO CONVINCE HER THAT MY HUMANITY IS STILL OFF," Stefan explained his plan to bring Caroline back to Damon, Holden, Elena and Izzie. "I'll tell her that my run-in with our mother had no effect on me, and I want to keep the party going."

Holden sat back in his seat and sighed as Damon looked quite amused. "Ah, look at that! Saint Stefan has a plan. Let me guess... Whoever's holding the kitten gets to talk about their feelings?"

"Torture her until she breaks," Stefan commented so Damon nodded his head quickly.


Elena sat down next to Holden and looked at Stefan curiously. "So, do I need to remind you two that the last time Caroline thought that we were trying to flip her switch, she went on a killing spree?"

"Well, she's not gonna find out this time," Stefan told her calmly as Holden smiled slightly causing Elena to look at him in confusion.

"I'm sure he'll be convincing."

"Fine, say she believes you-- How do you know she's gonna even want to see you again?" Elena asked another question as Holden took her hand into his.

Damon smirked. "Oh, she'll want to see him!"

Izzie scoffed with blushed cheeks as Stefan looked embarrassed that he was talking about it. "Damon... Shut up!"

"I mean, it's a bit of a tricky bet for you, isn't it, brother?" Damon asked gleefully as Stefan turned to Holden for help but he only smirked. "She's gonna expect a lot."

"Okay, what am I missing here?" Elena turned to Holden who was about to speak but Stefan was quicker.


Holden gave Elena a side eye so she gasped in realization. "Hang on a second. Did you and Caroline-?"

Damon seemed so amused that he danced by swinging his arm around and rocking his hips. "Do it? Yep," he emphasized the p so Elena widened her eyes in shock.

Holden knew Elena wasn't jealous, she was just surprised. "Oh... This was after she flipped...?" she then noticed Stefan's look of humiliation and stopped herself as Izzie chuckled to herself. "Never mind."

cosmic love // e. gilbert 3.Where stories live. Discover now