5. The Royalty's Betrayals

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Nothing But Thieves - Sorry

"And now it hurts what we've become
Cause you taught me how to love
It's me who taught you how to stop
And you just say I drink too much."

HOLDEN WAS IN THE KITCHEN. He wasn't a great cook as Stefan and he rarely did that, but that morning he wanted to cook Izzie breakfast. Moving around kitchen he put some fresh bagels into the plate before stopping and taking his phone out.

Elena's been back to Whitmore College and she's been avoiding him for three days. He didn't know why though and felt as if he had done something bad. So dialing her number Holden pressed it to his ear. After a few rings Elena finally answered. "Yes?" she asked. Holden could see that she's been crying because of Bonnie so he frowned.

"I'll be straight forward with you, Elena. Have you been ignoring me?" he asked dully so Elena sighed before musing. "Did I do something wrong?"

"What? No," Elena answered immediately as Holden furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "We've been talking, Holden."

Holden smiled to himself. "Yeah. That one text was nice. 'Be my date to a costume ball?'"

He could hear Elena let out a breath or laugh and he just wished she was happy. "So if you're calling it means you want to be my date," Elena commented. She seemed to be in better mood so Holden felt good about calling her.

"Of course, Miss Gilbert," Holden then heard Damon pushing Izzie inside and leaving as Izzie looked at Holden in confusion. "Who are we going as?"

"Caroline got us costumes so just show up, okay?" Elena asked as Holden heard her ruffle around. "I have to go to class, okay? Bye."

Before Holden could add something she had already hung up. He sighed putting the phone into his jeans pocket before smiling at Izzie. "What is this?" she questioned quietly before crossing her arms over her chest. She was still in her pajamas as if Damon got her out of bed.

"I made you breakfast," Holden smiled widely before motioning for her to sit down. Izzie stared at him weirdly before slowly sitting down. Holden placed a plate of fried eggs with bagels and some orange juice. "Your favorite."

Izzie looked down at it before glancing back at Holden. "Why are you suddenly making me breakfast?" she asked in complete confusion.

"Because you don't want to tell me the real reason you've been avoiding me. So I want us to at least try to be friends again," he said with a grin. Holden was not ready to tell Izzie that he already knew everything, because he didn't want Izzie hating on Damon.

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