10. Fight Me

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Jamie Scott - Unbreakable

"When you lose your way and the fight is gone
Your heart starts to break
And you need someone around now
Just close your eyes while I put my arms above you
And make you unbreakable."

HOLDEN WAS SITTING ON A COUCH IN THE WHITMORE LOUNGE AREA WHEN ELENA SAT DOWN NEXT TO HIM. "I called Izzie. She and Damon also spent the entire night searching for a way to get Bonnie back," Elena commented as Holden closed off his book before musing.

"You know, I like meeting you and all but I should really get myself a new apartment," Holden spoke causing Elena to chuckle as the two stared at each other for a moment with smiles before looking down. "This book is pointless for my understanding. Nothing about magical things or how to get out someone out of a prison world that doesn't involve an Ascendant."

Elena sighed before placing her hands on her head as she let out a groan. "It's almost Christmas... I can't believe that Bonnie is there alone..."

Holden looked at her sadly as Elena smiled then. "Thank you for doing this for Bonnie. You're very nice," she praised him as Holden looked away, still feeling guilty that they weren't able to get her out on time.

Suddenly her phone rang so she answered it. "Hello, Ric."

"Have you seen Jo?" Alaric asked from the other end as Holden and Elena exchanged a look.

"No, not since yesterday," Elena answered getting a bit worried as Alaric let out a deep sigh.

"What is going on?" Holden asked as Elena suddenly stood up and grabbed Holden's hand so he would follow her.

The two quickly appeared in Ric's place where Damon and Izzie were already at. Holden glanced at the couple in confusion. "I asked around the hospital. No one's seen Jo since last night at the ER," Izzie spoke as Holden looked at Alaric's worried face. "A bunch of stab victims came in, and one of them's missing, as well."

Elena frowned deeply because deep down all of them knew what it meant. "It was Kai. Jo knew he'd come after her, and he did," Ric snapped. He was still furious with Damon for doing something like compelling him to get an Ascendant out of Jo.

"Not to give you boyfriend lessons or anything, but if you knew Jo's whackjob brother was out on the loose and after her, don't you think that keeping an eye on her would have been a smart move?" Damon questioned Ric as Izzie glared at her boyfriend.

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