21. Hurt Me

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Sia - Angel By The Wings

"Take an angel by the wings
Beg her now for anything
Beg her now for one more day."

STEFAN WAS DRIVING HIS CAR WITH A SHEEPISH SMILE ON HIS FACE. Damon and Holden were in the car as well as Holden had to sit in the back since he lost to Damon. "Where are we going?" Holden then sighed as he leaned back in his seat.

"Sure. I'll be your best man, Ric. But first, hang out with the worst man so that my brother can kidnap me and my other brother on the day of your wedding," Damon mocked them with a look on his face as Holden groaned.

"You hate weddings, Damon," he commented sarcastically and looked at Stefan then. "But what we hate more is your mind-games, Stef."

"Hmm," Stefan mused in amusement as he continued to smile.

"So, anytime you want to clue me in as to where the hell we're going..." Holden trailed off because he would have rather spent his day with Elena who was human now. His need to protect her even more came back the second she threw that cure down her throat.

"Oh, come on, Holdie," Stefan smirked to himself as Damon scoffed at Stefan saying Holdie. "It's your last few days as a vampire. Can't blame me for wanting to spend some quality time with my brother."

"Then why am I needed?" Damon asked as he wanted to get back to Izzie. The other night he almost made a mistake by turning her a day before Ric's wedding. He knew Holden must have been a little angry.

"Because you almost turned Izzie last night."

"Yeah, so?" Damon cleared his suddenly rusty throat and glanced back at Holden to see him looking back at him with a dull face. "You should've taken Izzie with you then. She's gonna turn, not me."

Stefan ignored Damon and smiled. "Ah, look, here we are."

Stefan parked the car in front of a brown house, and they all got out. Taking a look at it, Damon scrunched his face. "Is Mr. Rogers expecting us?" he asked sarcastically as Holden turned to look at Stefan.

"You know Mr. Rogers is dead, right?" Stefan questioned as Holden seemed confused by the going conversation.

Damon chuckled. "Yeah, you're gonna be joining him in make-believe if you don't get to the damn point."

It was the first idea Holden agreed to that day. Stefan stood in front of them then and pointed to the brown house. "So, this is a house I lived in during one of my attempts to start over," he commented calmly as the older brothers exchanged a look. "Welcome to your suburban nightmare."

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