4. Our Little Witch

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Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats

"To call for hands above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no."

IT WAS A CALM NIGHT WHEN A RANDOM CAR PASSED THE EMPTY STREETS OF WOODS. Stefan was sitting in the backseat, reading a passage from his diary loudly. "March 12, 1922. I blacked out for days. I woke up in a stranger's blood in places I don't recognize with women I don't remember."

Damon was the one to drive the car as he smirked. "I feel alive again," he mocked before turning his head at Holden, who was holding his phone as if he waited for some call. "She won't call you. She's asleep."

Holden glanced at Damon. Since Izzie's return she's been ignoring everyone, except Damon and Elena. Holden was becoming frustrated because no one would tell him the reason. He wanted to find out but Damon insisted that they had to help their baby brother with his magical amnesia. "All right. I think I've read enough," Stefan scoffed before putting the diary on the seat next to him.

Damon looked at him through a rear view mirror. "Nada?" he asked as Stefan looked at him dully.

"I know 'nada' means nothing. I know what day it is, I know what year it is, I know this car has a V-8 engine, and yet I am two journals deep, and I have absolutely no memory of who the hell I am," Stefan exclaimed as he grabbed a blood bag.

"Brutal," Damon commented as Stefan took a sip from the blood bag before furrowing his eyebrows and glancing at his brothers.

"And, is this supposed to fill me up?"

"Yes," Holden finally spoke as he stared at the road ahead of them. "I know it's gonna sound weird, but we three are all vampires. Bound to be ones for eternity."

Damon could sense sarcasm in Holden's voice before rolling his eyes. "Weird," Stefan mused as he peaked through the front seats.

"Realistically no, because you're, you know, you," Damon commented with a small grimace as Holden shook his head. As much as he wanted to help Stefan get his memories back, Stefan wasn't suffering as Izzie was. And Holden wanted her to be fine again. To be her old self.

"Ahh, yes. The insatiable and blood-lusting vampire, Ripper of Monterrey," Stefan rolled his eyes as Damon chuckled at that.

"And we're only in the 1920's, baby."

Stefan then rolled his window down to throw out the blood bag. "Well, sorry, but this is a lot to process," he told them but before he could throw the bag Holden grabbed it from his hands and put it down.

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