17. A Break Through

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Hayden Calnin - For My Help

"One day, you'll come back here
For my help
Someday, you're asked to leave me
Couldn't it be easy?"

ELENA STILL COULDN'T FUNCTION PROPERLY. Sure, she was healed and a normal vampire again, but her heart ached so bad when she heard news on the radio about an animal attacking a bar near Whitmore the other night. She knew who that animal was and couldn't help but feel guilty.

If anyone else had turned it off she wouldn't go on blaming herself, but for Holden she was ready to take the full blame.

The girl was standing in the line towards the guidance counselor since she had to attend Jeremy's parent teacher conference. Minds of making Holden turn it on swirled inside her head. The girl saw a woman before smiling. "Hey, Mrs. Douglas."

"Elena!" Mrs. Douglas smiled softly, seeing a girl that used to attend the school too. "It's good to see you."

"You too."

Mrs. Douglas then looked down at her notes before furrowing her eyebrows. "Although you're not on the list as Jeremy's primary contact," she explained as Elena realized who was.

"Well..." she began when suddenly someone behind her chuckled. Elena widened her eyes before turning to face Holden, standing there with a gentle smile.

"Holden Salvatore. Present," he told Mrs. Douglas as Elena looked at the counselor uneasily. Holden then pointed towards a desk causing Elena to brush past him and sit down.

When Mrs. Douglas left to collect her belongings, only Elena and Holden were left in the classroom. Elena slowly took her phone out and began to type Damon as Holden sat two rows left from her. "Why are you here?" Elena then asked as Holden smiled before glancing at her. Elena felt something in her stomach before looking away.

"I'm Jeremy's primary contact," Holden mused dully causing Elena to scoff lowly. Silence then interrupted again as Holden stared at Elena without any shame causing her cheeks to blush. "Who were you texting there?"

"None of your business," Elena answered as she didn't look his way. Holden mused with fake hurt before leaning back in the chair.

"I'm sure it was Damon. Explains the usage of all caps and exclamation points," Holden smirked as Elena snapped her head towards him. She looked uneasy at how he knew but Holden only chuckled. "I am good at guessing. You want Damon to come? Why?"

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