12. Sudden Breakups Cause Ugly Decisions

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Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?

"If this feeling flows both ways
Was sorta hoping that you'd stay
That the nights were mainly for saying
things that you can't say tomorrow day."

A WOMAN WAS WALKING DOWN THE STREET IN THE MIDDLE OF A NIGHT WHEN SHE HEARD A WEIRD SOUND. Stopping she looked around in confusion before slowly walking again. From the looks on her face she wasn't enjoying being alone at such late time even if it was just Mystic Falls.

Suddenly, the sounds continued causing her to stop yet again. Fear was evident on her face as she held onto her purse before taking out some pepper spray.

Her fear increased when someone began to move quickly around her causing her so scream and run as she dropped all of her belongings on the street. "Help!" she shouted loudly before turning back to look for someone chasing her.

She saw a shadowy figure walking slowly towards her before turning back to run only to bump into it. The woman let out a loud scream and then everything became dark.

One day ago:

STEFAN WAS STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PARLOR. He held a brooding look on his face as he saw Holden sitting by the table drinking. "I know it's gonna sound dumb and all, but are you okay?" Stefan asked his older brother, who only downed his 15th glass of whiskey before shaking his head. "Yeah, I figured."

Holden only stood up before looking at Stefan. "What do you want me to say, Stefan? Last night when I went to talk to Elena again, to apologize and to tell her that I love her... She just brushed past me and left! Not even looking my way. How am I supposed to react to that?"

Izzie entered the room before stopping when she saw Stefan and Holden standing in front of each other. "What is going on?" the girl asked causing the two brothers to look her way.

"Nothing. Everything is fine, Izzie," Holden commented dully as Izzie noticed all the bottles lying on the table. She furrowed her eyebrows before glancing at Stefan for some explanation.

Stefan only smiled slightly at her. "It's fine. I believe Holden's just overreacting a little."

Holden glared at Stefan before sitting back down as Izzie approached him. "Oh well. Is it about Elena and how she's been cold to you?" she questioned curiously. "Because she's been quite cold with me too lately. I have no idea what is up with her..."

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