20. Do It With Me

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Billie Marten - La Lune

"Ignore signs of change, no more
I come back again, I am flawed."

HOLDEN WAS DRINKING BOURBON AS HE WATCHED MEN CONVERSE IN ALARIC'S BACHELOR PARTY THAT HE AND HIS BROTHERS THREW. Ever since he told Elena he'd take the cure with her she became overwhelmed and left him hanging but Holden was okay with his decision.

Damon, on the other hand, not so much. He was excited when Izzie told him that Holden let her become a vampire but he hesitated to turn her the same night so they set the date after Ric's wedding.

Damon felt as if Holden was making a mistake being a human again. Even if he did that for a woman he loved. That's why he told everything to Alaric as the two stood by the bar. "What do you mean, Holden is gonna take the cure and let Izzie be a vampire?!" he exclaimed incredulously, more mad at Izzie being a vampire.

He was like a father figure to her and didn't want her to be dead. "Holden let her and she's ready."

"What about you? How he hell does that even work?" he asked question after question.

Damon gave him a tired look. "What works? Me turning Izzie or Holden becoming human with Elena? Because everything is quite easy. Elena guzzles the cure, goes back to her human self,  Holden feeds on her, and as long as no one sucks it out of him, then they grow old and die of the common cold."

"As a person who gave him the cure to be with Elena, you sound annoyed," Alaric projected as Damon pursed his lips. "Okay, so you screwed up, and now you're freaking out."

"I didn't screw up!"

"Damon, this is more about Izzie, isn't it?" Alaric asked him curiously so Damon looked away, giving his answer. "Do you seriously want Izzie to be a vampire?"

"Yes, because I want to be with her forever," he admitted before Holden walked over to them, having heard all their conversation.

"And that's why I agreed to let her turn, but for some reason you got salty I'll become human," he said dully so Damon rolled his eyes.

"Okay, and what did Stefan say to all of this?" Ric asked causing Holden and Damon to exchange glances. "Okay, seriously, tell me that even one of you told your brother of 166 years of what are you planning."

Holden smiled at Alaric sarcastically. "Do you honestly want to spend your last night as a single man debating our existential crisis?"

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