My Visit to Romania.... includes Vampires?

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We are going to Romania! I can't wait till Tuesday! My parents say we have some family tie friends there. I am going alone though they said that our friends are going to pick me up. Romania sounds like so much fun! What will I do first in Romania? I have no clue I have no clue since I have never been there before.

I started packing all my thing I am taking with me. My phone, my Ipod's, and anything else I may or may not need. Which includes clothes and a lot of other things.

" Kelly!" my mother shouted from downstairs. She didn't want me to be late for school on the last day of junior year.

I ran downstairs with my sharpies and yearbook. I got into my car and drove to school, parked in my normal spot. After school I went to bed and took a shower. After that I got ready for Tuesday, I just couldn't wait till I get to Romania.

I got to the airport and then took care of my luggage. After that I kept my carry on and passport.

When I got on the plane I grabbed my Ipod and listened to it till it ran out. Then I grabbed my phone and texted some of my friends. After they couldn't talk anymore we were almost there. When I got there, there was a really hot guy waiting for me. I put my bags in the limo?

He looked me over from my blond hair to my red toe nails.

" You are Kelly?" he asked me in a heavy Romanian accent.

I nodded quickly.

" I am Kevin," the hot guy Kevin introduced himself.

" It is wonderful to meat you Kevin," I told him sweetly, but I was so tired now.

I started to fall. when I woke up Kevin was staring at me and we were in a bed, a big one.

" Kelly are you okay?" Kevin asked me sitting up.

" Where am I?" I asked him quickly looking around the dark room. There were no windows in here. Was it mourning yet?

" My house," Kevin told me.

I sat up from laying down. Kevin looked me over like I was crazy. I wasn't the crazy one here, I wasn't the one who knew what was going on. Wait what is going on? I looked around the black and red room again. I was laying under a ruby red comforter. The carpet of the room was also a ruby red.

" Kevin!" some guy yelled walking into the room.

" Oh Kev you know your parents don't want to you to have girls in your room, who is she?" the guy asked Kevin. Wait what do you mean I was brought in here without my permission and I was in his bed? Gross. I got out as quickly as I could.

" Kelly this is my friend Greg, Greg this is Kelly," Kevin said handing me a much needed glass of water.

I drank the water, it felt so good.

" Kevin you don't happen to have any popsicles do you?" I asked him. A couple of those and I would be awake for the rest of the day. Wide awake, probably more on the hyper side. Which would be good.

I looked at Greg he had black hair with curly edges. He also had his shirt half off, he had abbs. He also had blue eyes. He seemed nice.

" My parents told me to take care of her till they got here Greg, they aren't going to yell at me," Kevin told Greg. Wait I'm 17 and I need a babysitter. No fricken way. Well maybe I do, I don't exactly know my way around here.

" Kevin!" a lady said, " We are home!"

Kevin pulled me out of his room and into a living room, I guess. There were middle aged parents with bags in their hands.

" Mother, Father this is Kelly," Kevin told them. I noticed Greg was next to me.

His mother looked at me, " Oh yes you so much look like your mother, but you've got your fathers hair, blond as can be."

His father nodded in agreement.

My parents had never told me they went to Romania. Hmm well I guess I will have to take that up with them when I get back.

Was this whole house furnished in dark colors? Not that I don't like the red. I do but it almost seems like there are no windows for a reason. Dark is totally right but these people are dressed in all black and dark colors. I wonder why. I know I will find out eventually, I'll figure it out.

" Kelly I'm Kara, and this is my husband Florence," Kara Kevin's mother told me.

I didn't know what to say to that so I just stood there. I wasn't normally quiet but these people were nice and a little weird. Which left me speechless.

I looked over at Kevin. Kevin was just standing there. I turned over and looked at Greg, Greg was also just standing there.

" Ok well Kevin can show you to your room," Kara said.

Kevin grabbed my wrist, and pulled me back toward the way we came. We finally got to a dark blue room, and Kevin told me this was my room. My stuff was already in there. I started putting it away. Kevin left the room as quickly as we entered it. After I was done I laid on the bed exhausted from all my unpacking.

I woke up to Kevin shaking me off the bed. I fell onto the floor. Thank god it was soft. Wait I'm not on the floor. I found myself in Kevin's arms. They were cool and muscular. He set me on the ground and handed me a dress to wear.

Wait dress?

It was blood red, strapless, and my size. Silky and beautiful, but why? Why am I going to wear a dress, this dress? I don't wear dresses.

I changed into it, and then did my hair and makeup. Kevin was waiting outside the door. He looked at me surprised.

" You didn't have to dress up, ladies in this house hold just have to wear dresses," Kevin told me. Since when was I a part of " this house hold" ? I thought I was just a guest for this summer.

He took me to the dinning room.

Wait how do you wear a dress and not dress up? This makes no sense.

Kevin's parents were sitting at the table with a couple other families.

" Hello Kevin, and Kelly," Kara smiled glancing at us then at the two seats next to some of the strangers. Kevin pulled me to the seats. I sat next to Kevin and a woman around Kara's age. A waiter came around with a pitcher of red wine.

I don't like red wine. Everyone else at the table had some. I looked over at Kevin, and he was smiling sipping his wine gracefully.

Everyone introduced themselves to me. They all seemed really nice, and they continued to drink wine. They really like wine, well I guess its just what some people like. I found out I was sitting next to Amanda Drewla. Sam Drewla's wife. We had some fantastic steak for supper.

After supper Kevin pulled me onto a dance floor? What I thought we were just having supper. Millions more people came into the room. They were still drinking the red liquid while dancing around the room. Kevin was twirling me around. Is this why I had to wear a dress? Hopefully because I don't think I can stand wearing a dress every day. I am not a dress person. I like to wear shorts, skirts, and pants, but dresses no.

Kevin continued to dance with me. Until the end of the night, and it was really quite exhausting. He was an excellent dancer. Though dancing with him was so tiring.

OK sso this is my new story, if you have read any of my other stories and want more of one let me know so i can add some for you~ Jessica ~ dont forget to let me know wwhat you think! fan vote if you want

Hey guys Check this out plz!!! =D

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