chapter17 / pt 18

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OK so just to let anyone who doesn't like stories with sex in it this chapter towards the end does, just to let you know!*

Srry 4 bugging u at the beginning*

Jessica/ XDVampireluvXD**

Kelly's POV

" Hey Kelly where are you, oh wait... your there?" John said. " I was just going to tell them to find you," John sounded as though he had been crying. Did he miss me?

" Wait am I missing?" I asked him confused. Yes of course I was, why didn't I think of that.

" Everyone is looking for you, except Vladimir, Kevin, and I," John replied.

Oh great I am in so much trouble.

" Don't tell anyone John!" I almost hissed.

" I have to, we want you back, and well I miss you. Its my duty to tell, sister," John said.

I hung up, well shit! I had just ruined it, although I was going to yelled at for being human again, and they were going to hurt Sam and his family. Plus he never calls me sister, oh no they are all super mad at me.

Sam looked at me like why did you hang up, what am supposed to say ' oh ya it was my brother, it was for me'.

I had no doubt that he was going to inform my parents, our parents. He is going to tell them where I am, and Sam is going to be a no go.

I had an idea what if I write a note and sneak out tonight? I grabbed my dresses and wrote Sam a letter.

dear Sam,

I am leaving, I don't want anything to happen to you or your family. Feel free to still text or call me, after all you are one of my best friends, and don't feel

as thought this is your fault. It isn't I just don't want anything to happen. John my brother called last tonight, and he is going to tell my parents. They are going

to be so angry, and they are going to lash out at you and your family. I don't want anything to happen so I am leaving. I guess I am going home, that seems

like the best place to go. John is so mad at me, he wont keep the secret, I just so happen to ask. No~ go though.

XOXOXO lots of love for you;


I left the house quickly leaving the note right in Sam's hand. I ran down the path Sam and I hadn't taken, there were only two. After a long time of running I found a familiar place. Known as Camden's village. There wasn't many people there only Camden and George, I ran toward the way to the house. Why do they have all of there villages so near to each other?

I am getting tired from all this running, when I finally got there it was starting to get lighter. I ran into the house and collapsed on the living room couch. Home sweat home, okay that is a total lie, or was I being sarcastic?

I fell asleep. When I woke up it was still daytime, go figure I found an empty glass and filled it with water. A thought accrued to me, do I want to face my family? Hell no. someone walked in the front door, not a vampire.

" Hello?" The girl said.

She noticed me

" Who are you?" she said in a snotty tone.

" I like live here," I replied equally as snotty two could play this game.

" Kevin never told me he had a sister," the girl said

" Like I don't care, but what are you doing here?" I asked her.

She looked at me, " I used to go out with him and I was wondering if we could hook up again."

" You know Kevin's sleeping right? Though I don't think he wants to hook up again with you," I told the little red headed girl with the blue eyes.

" You don't know Kevin," she snapped.

" Sure I do, I know a lot more the you do, he's my brother, he's a night person, he likes it when I wear dresses, he.." she cut me off.

" Dresses?" the redhead said.

" Oh yeah I forgot to mention that's the rule you have to wear dresses here, you better run home and change," I laughed a little at the expression on her face.

She turned around stalked out the door and I dashed up to my room to change into the dress Sam had a magiced for me. Then I walked downstairs. My parents were in the kitchen drinking their wake up meal of blood, so were my brothers.

I so didn't want to walk in there right now. I fought my fears and kept taking baby footsteps to the kitchen the eventually got bigger. I grew more confidence. I finally walked in. everyone's eyes darted to me.

" KELLY YOU ARE SO GROUNDED!" my father yelled.

So much for my confidence, it dropped to a lonely zero.

" It wasn't my fault," I defended myself.

" Your human again," John said looking at me.

" Ok none of this was my idea, in fact I am kind of sick of it," I shouted at all of them.

They all looked at me shocked even my father.

" Thomas is going to turn you into a vampire one final time, and your staying that way, because you are marrying him. After that you cant be changed back," my father said.

My older brother, my oldest brother of all?

Thomas grabbed my arms and pulled me up to his room? He laid me on the bed, he took my dress off me, he totally undressed me. Then he began undressing himself. After he was done he laid over the top of me and began laying passionate kisses from my forehead to my knee's. Hmmm, actually it was really good but do I want to join in? No, ah maybe, oh yes yes I do. I started kissing him back when I found his lips on mine. He smiled and continues kissing me, and I continued kissing him back. Wait why am I doing this I loved Sam, I love Sam, this doesn't make any sense. Why am I having sex with my older brother and enjoying it, I should hate it be sickened but I'm not. Instead I am joining in and having fun. Until I noticed his lips at my throat, and then he bit me. It hurt a little at first but slowly melted away, as I fell asleep.

I was being turned into a vampire again, what fun. Did I mention I hate all this human to vampire stuff? By Thomas of all my brothers, couldn't it have been John or Kevin? Why did I have to marry him? I would rather marry John or Kevin, not that Thomas wasn't sexy, because he is very sexy.

" Kelly," Thomas murmured.

Since when does he like... oh wait Vladimir said they liked me.

My eyes flashed open, Thomas's blond hair was in my face.

He handed me a cup of blood, well I guess its back to being a vampire.

I noticed there was a ring on my finger, gorgeous diamond, and silver I loved it. Why am I falling for Thomas, I liked Kevin more. Kevin was probably going to hook up with that red headed bimbo.

Ok so I know you all r going to yell at me, because this is a really short chapter, but I am working on re writing it, and I am going to start a new story... I will try to upload more soon.

Still let me know what you think!

And if you would like yell at me!

I will try to make the nxt 1 longer!

Ps sorry for any umm weirdness or confusement!

Oh and if you would plz take a look at the prologue 4 my new story that would be great I think I'm going to call ' Trip back in time'

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