Chapter #3

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" You don't get it!" I almost shouted at him, he was pushing all my feeling at him. I was angry, at first he seemed so nice. He didn't seem like a vampire, except for his strength. That was the only not normal thing about him.

I looked into Kevin's green eyes, they were beautiful and staring right back at me. His brownish blond hair almost covering his eyes. He was grinning, knowing he won.

He had won because he would always win, but the games had only just began. This was going to be one long summer.

He kissed my cheek and left the room, Greg lingered in the doorway.

Why did Kevin just kiss me? This made no sense. I had just met him. Did he like me in the very short time I've come to know him. I don't like him right now.

30H3!'s My First Kiss featuring KE$HA came on.

I fell asleep, I couldn't figure out what to do, all I knew was I was stuck with Vampire's for the rest of my summer. I couldn't tell anyone because anyone would think I was crazy. That was just a fact, and to tell you the truth I probably wouldn't believe myself. I would think I was crazy.

This was supposed to be a normal vacation, to spend time in Romania. It was supposed to be fun, not scary. Maybe I could ask my mother, no that wouldn't work. This was her and my fathers idea. Why does it have to end in a disaster? Well I guess on the brightside it isn't a disaster yet.

I woke up to Kevin, he was laying on the bed next to me. What was he doing next to me in bed.

I screamed. He fell off the bed. Hah! I scared him. This was kind of funny, I began laughing.

I got out of the bed and turned on some music, turns out he doesn't like 'foolish American music'. He even took my Ipod and loaded it with a ton of Romanian music. I hated it, it was god awful music.

Kevin dragged me out of the room.

So this is how it was going to be between us. Well this was going to be one extremely long summer.

" Hello Kelly, ready to go shopping?" Kara asked me. Awesome time away from Kevin. I couldn't wait and I was defiantly ready.

I followed Kara out to a car.

She turned on some good music. American music, which was better then the music her son listened to.

" This is ok right?" Kara asked me.

" Defiantly," I replied quickly. I liked Kara a lot. She was cool, and had wonderful taste in music.

Kara had dark brown hair and blue eyes.

After we were done buying dresses and make up we went back to the house. Kevin wasn't kidding about us having to wear dresses all the time unfortunately.

Kara was awesome, that was my final conclusion.

" Kelly we have a dance tonight which you will be expected to attend, and did Kevin tell you?" Kara asked me.

" Tell me what?" I asked her.

" Well you have to go with him or John, John is our other son. Kevin's quiet brother. Very quiet, and very opposite," Kara explained.

I didn't know John but I didn't like Kevin. What should I do?

" Umm I don't know," I told her.

She nodded, " I'll have John come talk to you when we get back."

Well I guess if I got to know John it would help me choose.

" Okay thank you," I told Kara, she smiled.

When we got back I went to the room I am staying in. About ten minutes later the guy I'm guessing is John walked in. he had blond hair and grey eyes. He was hot.

" Hello, I'm John and you... must... be.... Kelly." John stuttered when I turned to face him.

" Hello John its wonderful to meet you," I smiled at him. I was liking him much more then Kevin.

John smiled and sat down on the bed next to me.

" So John what do you like to do?" I asked him.

He was kind of shy, Kara wasn't lying about that. But he was way hotter then Kevin.

" I like to work out, read, and listen to heavy metal music," He replied eying my Ipod.

I smiled and turned on my heavy metal play list. I was glad I deleted all the music Kevin had put on there.

He smiled, I think he liked it.

Bullet for my Valentine's Scream Aim Fire was on.

I noticed he sang along softly. He had a really good voice, though this song wasn't the best to sing along to. It was an awesome song though. I loved Bullet for my Valentine.

So the only question was who am I going to the dance with?

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