My Visit to America.... Includes Just About Everything

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Ok Just so everyone knows, if you are reading this,this is the Sequel to My Visit to Romania.... Includes Vampires. so if you havent read that this might be just a little confusing! anyway thank you for reading!!!!!!

Callie’s POV  13 years later

Mother and father had, grown to love me the best. Maybe it was because I was their first child and they had always loved me the most. Or it could be the way my immature younger brothers act. Unfortunately my youngest brother Markus was the new heir to the throne. I guess it’s the youngest, but it doesn’t quite make sense. Mother had been the youngest father had been the second youngest. Mother had married Father, mostly because of me, but because she loves him too.

She has told me all theses stories about when she was my age. She didn’t even grow up knowing she was the heir to the throne for the Vampire Kingdom. She grew up in America all around the globe, and had all of my Uncles fighting over her. Which now they all fought over my attention. Sometimes she used to tell me stories from when I was little.

Now it is in the middle of the Afternoon, and everyone’s sleeping. Me well since I am the only human I am wide awake, and am so bored of this house. I mean I’m 17 almost 18 and I have my license. Mother and father forbade me to have a car though, until I am more responsible. They yell at me for ditching school, and hanging out with my friends. School is almost over, let me tell you. I am so glad its almost done.

Last year I had gotten my very first good grade. ( Only because I had cheated and had Uncle Sam’s Son use a form of mind control on the teacher)  but I had gotten in so much trouble and so had Alexander. He hated me ever since.

I walked out of my bedroom, which I am told used to be my mother’s, and walked out to the garden.  I guy stood out there, and I started to walk back to the castle, but the guy ran at me, at first I guessed he was a Vampire, but he couldn’t be it was daylight. He must be a werewolf. Mother used to talk about a group that lived over here, and here enemy Camden.

“ Hello Callie, its been a while, lets see 13 years yes, you wont get away like your mother did,” Camden said and then I blacked out. Well at least I think this is Camden. It has to be, I mean he mentioned my mother.

I woke up, I don’t know how long later on a bed, in a windowless room. Sort of like the ones at home except this one had light colors. On the side table there was a note. I grabbed it.

Dear Callie;

Welcome to America, hope you enjoy your stay. See you soon.

Love Camden.

America! That is so far away from Romania. What am I going to do?

“ Camden???”A guys voice from out of nowhere said.

“ Hello? Help?” I shouted to the guy.

“ Kelly? Is that you?” the guy said, he knew my mother?

“ No! I’m her daughter Callie, Can you help me?” I asked the nameless man, and then remembered Sam was here, Sam and his son.

“ Oh-No, not again, Camden and his Kidnapping Royal girls, be right there Callie,” Sam replied. The door opened two minutes later.

“ Thank-you so much Sam!” I said hugging him, “ I don’t suppose you can help me get home?”

“ Not until the holidays are over, considering your human. I would say use the free Mythical creatures plane, but it wont work for you,” Sam said and I followed him out of the house and into his car. “ Call your mother so she wont worry,” Sam continued handing me a cell phone.

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