Chapter 16/ pt 17

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Kelly's POV

Why were they asking all these weird questions?

" What is his middle name?" Thomas asked.

I smiled, " James, Sam James Thompsen."

I said the whole name because I figured they were going to ask. I knew almost everything about Sam, I never knew he was a witch, but well I will know more about it.

" What is his favorite color, oh and yours," Stefan asked his voice was a little higher then normal, and he was staring at me like I made a bad decision. Stefan looked at me with his brown eyes, and he was holding me with them. His blond hair was almost around his eyes, but I could still see his eyes.

The guys were waiting for my response, they all seemed so interested.

" Mine is neon blue, and Sam's is green," I answered. They seemed shocked, and I didn't understand. It was just about colors, colors don't mean a thing.

" Why do you like him?" John asked me. I was shocked at the question, why should they question me on why I liked my best friend. John looked at me with pure interest. John would ask that question, him and Kevin were already in competition over me, and they probably don't think kindly on my best friend. Then I have basically chosen him.

" John, I have known him for a long time, we have some of the same interests and we get along, and I love him." I replied looking at him. He stared at me with his blue eyes making me very uncomfortable.

" We just don't get it," Thomas told me.

I looked at him, his smile was engaging, it made me want to smile back and hug him. Though I held back and smiled.

" You just don't understand, I know him almost like a brother, and well he is almost like a brother to me. I love him, he's always there for me," I defended my love for my best friend.

I fell to the ground. I fell into a deep vast black hole of darkness. There was no pain I was just floating there, I had no clue what was going on or how to get out of it. I saw nothing, and it felt new and weird to me, I had never felt this way before. I am a vampire why do I feel like this.

Then the most unbearable pain came through me, like my soul was being stripped from my body, or maybe coming back into my body? It burned, and stung and well just hurt. What was happening, if only I could see, or maybe move? Could I move? I tried, nada, zip, zilch, zero nothing.

I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn't it was like they were glued shut. This really annoyed me, I wanted to see. I felt like I was blind, and I could only feel. I couldn't move, or see. I don't know if I can taste. I could think, I couldn't hear anything. It was almost as if I was asleep but I knew I wasn't. I could open my eyes then to. Was I dead?

Suddenly my eyes flashed open. I noticed Sam laying next to me. He wasn't here before. Wait I wasn't here before, where am I? The room I was in was small, old fashioned and light. Was it daytime? Was I in heaven? Maybe I was dead, and Sam too. Sam looked around the room unsurprised. He turned his attention to me.

" Kelly what are you doing here?" Sam asked.

" I would like to know that too, where am I?" I found my voice finally.

" My Aunts, wait you don't know why you are here? Why don't I even know why your in Romania, what happened?" Sam asked me. Had he lost his memories? I still had mine, but I hurt all over. I felt all bruised up, burned perhaps in some spots. There was nothing on my body though, nothing I could see.

" We were at my house, and then I fell. There was pain and then I wake up here still in pain, you don't remember?" I replied, still not understanding what had happened and why he didn't know.

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