Chapter IV: Fond

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"How'd the dinner with Angela and her family go?" Niall asked me as we watched the latest football game.

"Okay." We are over at Niall's house. He glances over to me.

"You're not into her, are you?" he asks. I shake my head.

"Tell me about Louis. Why'd you pick him out of everyone to employ?" I run a hand through my hair, thinking through my answer.

"He's just so different from anyone I've ever met before." Niall turns to face me, looking me in the eye.

"What do you mean by different?" I face him, letting his blue eyes stare into my green. His eyes are a different blue than Louis'. Lou's are a endless ocean blue that have many layers to them, while Niall's are a light sky blue.

"He's spontaneous, and unpredictable. He's just so, so...unique." Something flickered in his eyes that I wasn't quite sure of what it was at the time.

"He's brave, you would think he has no fears but he does have fears. There's so many layers to him. So many things about him." He runs a hand through his blonde hair as he glances away from me.

"You really like him, don't you?" he asks.

"Yeah." Niall bit down hard on his bottom lip.

"As a friend?" Something is going through his head, he's thinking hard about something but I can't tell what.


Later on that day, I get a text from Louis.

'Can Shakespear be any cheesier? Finished act 1, the other acts better be better.' I grin and reply immediately.

'He's poetic not cheesy. Trust me it gets better.' I went home after the game ended.

'Wanna go to the movies?' Louis texts me once I arrive home.

'Sure' I replied.

'Pick u up in 10.'

Louis arrives exactly ten minutes later. I run out the door and get into his car.

"What movie are we going to see?" I ask him as he starts driving.

"Captain America," he tells me. I groan and when he gets to a stop light he playfully elbows me.

"You don't like superhero movies, Harold?" He glances over at me briefly then looks back to the road.

"No, they're too cliche for me. They're all the same. Some tough looking dude has powers and saves the girl along with the world. Its all fake and stupid cause there's no such thing as super heroes." Louis sneaks another glance at me as he turns onto a road.

"It's not supposed to be real, that's the point," he chuckles.

"Yeah, but still. In real life, there's no guy that's going to sweep in to save you when you're on your deathbed."

Louis took his eyes off the road to look me in the eye, taking in everything I just said.

"Well, what movies do you like?" he ponders.

"Dramas and romance movies," I admitted slyly. He grinned ear to ear as he chuckled.

"And those aren't cliche?" I shake my head.

"They are all different." He snickered at that.

"They're all the same, Haz. The boy falls for the girl, the girl likes him back, they have sex, and then the boy does something to mess it all up but somehow the girl stupidly takes him back," Louis explained.

"Seems like you know a lot about them, Lou," I chuckled.

"My ex used to make me watch them. But they're fake too, romance movies." I shot him a confused look.

"What do you mean?" He pondered for a moment then went on.

"Love doesn't happen the way the movies display it as. It isn't perfect nor is it planned. It doesn't always work out in the end. There isn't always a happy ending, Haz." He let that sink in for a moment as I gazed at him.

"I guess you're right." He smiled with satisfaction as we pulled in the parking lot. He pulled into a space and parked the car. I smiled at his beautiful smile that could stop wars.

"You have the cutest dimples," he said smiling as he poked one of my dimples. My face turned red at the mention of them. I had always hated them. They were my biggest insecurity.

"Now, that I have won our debate, let's see Captain America!" With that he exited the car as I did too. We went into the theater and got our tickets then went to get popcorn.

"Let's get a large to share," I suggested.

"Okay, but I want a coke too," he said. We got our popcorn and drinks then went to our theater. I find the movie incredibly boring but nevertheless, I don't complain. I watch Louis as he fucoses on the movie really intensely. He catches my stare, and glances at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" he asks me. I don't know what to say back so I simply let go and let my head rest on his shoulder.

"You tired, Haz?" he asks softly.

"Little bit." He kisses my hair tenderly and pulls his arm around me. Eventually, I fall into a deep sleep.

"Harry!" A voice yells at me, waking me up from my sleep. I groan and move closer to whatever I am lying on.

"Get up, Haz. The movie's over." I realize it's Louis' voice and I open my eyes to see that I am lying with my head on his chest. He is peering down at me fondly. I get up and stretch as he stands up as well. He grabs the empty popcorn bucket and his coke.

"C'mon Haz, let's get you home." He goes down the steps as I follow behind him. The car ride is consists mostly of Louis gushing on how much he liked the movie. When we pull up to my house, he turns to me, smiling.

"I had a good time, even though you slept most of the movie," he said.

"Sorry bout that." He waves a hand dismissing my apology.

"Its fine, you're tired. Now go get some rest, Haz."

His eyes showed just how much he cared about me even though we had known each other less than a week. I smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. He was surprised at first but then he hugged back, pulling me closer to him. We stay like that for a few moments. I then pull away and smile briefly at him.

"See you tomorrow, Lou," I said as I exited his car.

When I went inside, I noticed my parents were out. I laid on the couch and began to read Romeo & Juliet for the millionth time.


So this chapter is more of a filler chapter with the minor themes of what's real and what's not. Hope you are all enjoying the story so far:) Oh, and so the chapter names do mean something, by the end of the book, if you take the first letter of each five chapter you should be able to spell something, any guesses on what it'll spell?

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