Chapter XXXII: Extirpate

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My dad insisted we go golfing for the second time this month. They had just finished building a new part of the course so he wanted to check it out.

“Do you think you’ll ever come back to work?” my dad asked. I hadn’t thought about it much to be honest. But I knew I probably didn’t have a lot of days left and I wasn’t going to waste them in the bakery.

“No.” His eyes saddened turning a darker color. I was going to miss him. I was going to miss the way he looked at me like I was the best thing in his life. I was going to miss the way his lips curled up in a smile everytime he was proud of me. I was going to miss how he smelled of the morning dew and lunch meat. I was going to miss his green eyes that reminded me so much of my own. I was going to miss the way we could talk about anything and everything. He won’t look at me the same once he finds out. He won’t speak to me the same. His lips won’t curl up into that proud smile. I’m not sure I could handle that. He’s my father, I don’t want him to want to be anything less.

“You have to go back sooner or later, Har,” he said as he turned to me, putting down his iron. I sighed, he didn’t seem to understand that there may not be a later.

“What’s been going on Harry? You haven’t been yourself. Is it the breakup with Louisa? Is it that Louis quit?” His eyes peered into mine desperately wishing to understand my pain. I sighed as I let myself sink to the grass. He sank down beside me, not taking his eyes off of me.

“Can you promise me something?” I asked.

“Anything.” Tears were forming in his eyes as he read into the pain I had been holding back.

“Promise me that no matter what happens, that you’ll always love me, no matter what I do.” His eyes held my gaze as he nodded his head.

“Harry, there is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you. You’re my son, always will be no matter how old you get or what happens.” I nodded my head and pulled him into a hug. I prayed to the world that he would keep his promise.

It was the first round of September celebrations that next week. Louis and I made plans to watch fireworks that night. I have always loved the September celebrations which consisted of two holidays just eleven days apart where we celebrated our country. Everyone would wear our country’s colors; royal blue and white. There are carnivals, parades, house parties, fireworks going on everyday for the whole two weeks. I got dressed in my royal blue hoodie and black skinny jeans. I heard the doorbell ring which was strange since I had told Louis to meet me there to avoid questioning by my parents and his parents finding out. I ran downstairs, racing to the door but my dad got there first opening the door to see Louis. He had on a white and blue tank top and black jeans. He had one of those ridiculous headbands on that light up and had ‘INDEPENDANCE DAY’  spelled on it in big letters that were blue and white. My dad’s expression went from shock to happiness as his lips curled up in a smile.

“Nice to see you again, Louis.” He stepped away from the door to let me take his place and sent me a smile.

“I thought we were meeting up there?” I asked in a hushed voice. His lips formed a smile as his eyes lit up the instant he saw my face.

“I wanted to surprise you,” he smirked. My cheeks blushed an embarrassing side of red. I could feel my parents’ stare on me but I didn’t bother to turn around.

“Nice headband,” I chuckled as the obnoxious thing continued to shine different colors.

“I got you one too,” he said as his smile doubled in size. Sure enough, he pulled out the same obnoxious headband out of a plastic bag. He brushed my curls away from my face then placed the headband on my head. The lights from my headband were shining onto his face and had we had no audience I would of snugged him right there and then.

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