Chapter XXXVII: Enmity

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"You two got caught with sodomely, didn't you?" one of the younger boys asked from the jail cell across from me.

"Yeah," I said. He had blonde hair and pale, pale skin with light blue eyes and a lip ring on his lip.

"We got caught too, I'm Luke," he introduced himself.

"And I'm Ashton," the other younger boy said. He had curly dirty blonde almost brunette hair that was more tame and shorter than mine with hazel eyes that shined in the darkness.

"I'm Harry, how old are you two?" I asked.

"I'm eighteen and he's twenty," Luke said. Louis was in the visiting room, Lottie came here to visit him.

"You love him, don't you?" Ashton said suddenly.

"Yeah, I do," I said as a smile ghosted my lips.

"It's not fair that they lock us up like this, like we're animals. We don't belong in here. When did homosexuals become as bad as murderers? What the hell did we do to deserve this? We're just barely adults, we don't deserve to die so young," the boy with the hazel eyes told me with tears in his sparkling orbs.

"Ash, it'll be okay. We'll figure it out," Luke told him as he pressed himself up against the wall that separated the two boys from each other.

"No it's going to be okay and you know that, Luke! We're going to the fucking gallows for christ's sake!" He slid down the wall, so his back was pressed against it.

"Life isn't always fair. People don't always get what they deserve. You just gotta make the best of what you got," I explained to the broken boy. He looked so fragile at that moment. Tears had started falling down his cheeks. I could tell it shattered Luke's heart to 'see' Ashton this way and not be able to do a thing about it.

"How do you make the fuckin' best of this? The love of your life is going to the gallows and you're the reason for it." He was enraged but not at me, at the world, at what ill fate he had.

"No, he's not. I am going to the gallows, not him. He's going to get away with this. I won't stand to be the reason he dies so young, I'd do anything for him, even if it means having to lie to the entire court." He looked up at me from his position.

"And what if it doesn't work out? What if they don't believe it? What will you do then?" he dared to ask the question I didn't dare think about. I sighed as I sank to the floor, tears forming in my eyes.

"I don't know." He nodded his head, tears flinging everywhere.

"Now you see my dilemma. I love you, Luke. And it's real sweet of you to want to die with me b-but I can't take your life away from you. I just can't let you do that. You deserve to grow up, you can't even drink yet, you have so much more life to experience. And I can't be the reason that you won't experience those things. And don't you dare give me that heaven crap cause you and me both know that if there is a heaven, we are both going to hell. We won't be together in whatever is beyond this world, I don't want to go to heaven or hell or anywhere without you there but at the same time I don't want to take you away from this world. I'm sorry Luke. I'm so sorry." Ashton began to sob and everyone in that prison could feel Luke's heart shatter.

"Ash, you can't blame yourself for this, for any of it. We can't control that we fell in love, that we were able to look beyond each others genders. And you know what, I wouldn't want to live a day without you, so you're going, so am I. I love you, Ash and there are things in life that we can't control. If it were up to me, we would not be here right now, but I can't control the fact that I fell in love with you and I can't control the fact that no one in this ignorant world understands that. And I can't control that I can't see myself living without you. I can't control the fact that I don't want to be anywhere near you when we're sent to the gallows 'cause just the thought of watching you die breaks me inside." Luke finished his mini speech and kicked the wall.

"These goddamn walls!" he shouted. I wiped away the tears that had fallen during his speech.

"H-have you guys gone to trial yet?" I asked them.

"No, we actually were brought here a day before you two. Our trial date is set for next week." I realized then that I couldn't lie to the court, it might as well had been Louis saying those things. I had to find some other way.

"Harry, you have visitors." It was now probably past noon but I had no way of telling time. Louis had returned a few hours ago. I was lead out of my cell and followed the guard to the visiting room. On the other side of that wall were both my parents. If the guard hadn't been holding onto my arm I would of bolted. My mum had bags under her eyes and her hair was a disheveled mess, she wore little makeup. My dad looked just like he did on any other day but the proud look he normally had in his eyes when he saw me was gone and replaced with this distant look of disgust, like he had no idea of who I was. I sat down in that chair and with tremulous fingers grabbed the phone. My mum was the one to grab the phone first.

"We're going to get you out of here, Har. These allegations are ridiculous, they have no proof, no evidence. They can't do this to you. You didn't do this." Tears were streaming down her face as she went on repeating that I didn't do this.

It broke my heart when I said the next words, "But mum, I did do it." She nearly dropped the phone as she shook her head frantically in disbelief.

"But this doesn't make sense, you loved Chloe and you dated Louisa." I shook my head.

"There was no Louisa mum." Her hands began shaking as tears streamed down my face. My dad couldn't even look me in the eye. He looked at me, like I was a murderer.

"Mum, dad, please just let me explain," I said. Neither of them spoke. "I love Louis, I'm in love with him. His gender doesn't change anything, it's just like any other love." I was cut off by my dad.

"You don't love him, Harry. You can't."

"But I do, remember that time you told about what it feels like to fall in love. Everything that you told me, all of those feelings have happened with Louis. If I could, I would spend every second with him. I know every little thing about him like how when he's nervous he taps his hands and how when he's scared, his pupils get huge and his eyes go from this light blue to a darker one. When I'm with him, I feel like we can take on anything, like we're invincible. Every single thing about him I admire, from his music taste to how he's scared of heights. When he's sad, I'm sad, when he's happy, I'm the happiest guy in the world. And it is going to kill me to see him in the gallows. Our love is just like mum and you, dad." My dad shook his head in disgust.

"Your 'love' is nothing like your mum's and mine! You deserve to die on those gallows." Every single memory I had with my dad came rushing to me all at once.

"Y-you promised me you'd never stop loving me," I choked out as I began sobbing.

"And you promised me that you'd never love a man. Guess we both broke our promises." They left but I didn't dare watch them leave. I moved the phone from my ear.

"I just don't want you to end up alone." I stared at the place they just were.

"Would you love me no matter what?" I took the phone and threw it at the glass.

"Harry, there is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you. You're my son, always will be no matter how old you get or what happens." Tears streamed down my face.

"You lied," I whispered.

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